With shaky hands Areef raised the veil above her head. Airah felt so shy with the audience as the my cooed and awwwed.

She tried to cover her face with her hands but he caught the hands his eyes running all over her face.

And then he hugged her. Their little audience went wild. At first Airah was taken aback before relaxing and hugging her husband back.

Areef stood them up still hugging his wife. His mouth directly on her ears he murmured to her softly.

"Hey beautiful, thank you for being my wife."

She smiled at his words. Just as she was expecting him to let her go he hugged her even tighter. She allowed him knowing she felt to safe and secure in his hold and it was halal in every which way.

He finally Let her go. They took tons of pictures with their friends and the family there. Areef and his entourage left for the reception while The bride's entourage headed for the Ahmad's residence.


"Amrah!! " Ruwaida squealed as soon as she opened the door for her.

Amrah smiled at her as she gave her a short hug.

Ruwaida led her into the small house. Amrah was already looking around the house judgingly.

She sat down on one of the three cushions in the living room as Ruwaida disappeared into a door. She came out with a tray of snacks - traditional wedding snacks- and a bottled drink.

"You have no idea how glad I am you came over. I was thinking what I'll be doing all day all alone In this house. "

Amrah gave her a grin. "All alone? I thought you came with your husband. He's not here? "

"He actually came for business and a course that will last 3 months that's why I tagged along. So he had to meet up with some people today he went out since morning. " Ruwaida informed her.

Amrah scoffed in her head as she murmured 'wannabe'.

They chit chatted a bit and when the atmosphere was getting a bit awkward Ruwaida had an idea.

"You have to check out this wedding event. My husband's boss is getting married, I think the wedding should be today." she said as she went to get her laptop.

Amrah waited for her but for some reason her heart began pounding.

Ruwaida was back with the laptop. She switched it on opening YouTube.

As soon as she clicked on the video the opening text almost gave Amrah a heart attack.


amrah's eyes bulged. As she saw Areef and the veiled bride being ushered in by their friends.

"When was this?!" She boomed at Ruwaida.

"Amrah are you okay? You are looking so pale."

Amrah felt like smacking her in the face.

"Ruwaida I asked when was this?"

"I told you the wedding is today. This was uploaded yesterday so I guess Yesterday. What's wrong? You are freaking me out."

"No no no. This can't be. This shouldn't be. "Amrah kept muttering as she picked up her bag and made for the door like her tail was on fire.

Ruwaida was left seating on her couch dumbfounded.

Amrah stormed into their house.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! " Her mother was the first to come out to see why her daughter was calling after her father that way.

"Amrah are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Mommy he's marrying her. He's marrying her not me. " She said crashing into her mother's arms.

Her mother was confused but she tried to console her as she sobbed saying incoherent things.

Her father met them like that. As soon as Hajiya Halina saw him she threw questioning glances his way.

Sensing his presence Amrah turned and went to him.

"Daddy he's still marrying her, after everything she's still getting him instead of me. Daddy you have to do something. " she carried on blabbering.

Seeing no look of surprise on her father's face she stilled and looked at him again.

"Daddy, you knew? You don't look surprise. Did you know about the wedding? "

He held her hands looking at her pitifully. "I figured it was for the best Amrah, I didn't want to see you hurt. It's time to give up Amrah. "

Like his words had shocked her she flinched away from him.

By now her mother was watching them like a show. She was completely lost on what they were talking about since they had made her an outcast in their affairs all this while.

"How could you! Is this the love you claim to have for me daddy? What happened to my happiness being your priority?" She questioned her eyes full of detest.

"Amrah he's your father mind the way you talk to him!" Her mother warned.

She threw her mother a glare.

"Look Amrah, I was looking out for you. You are too precious to lose yourself over a boy that wouldn't look at you twice. There are many other good men that will fight over you my darling. Let go of that boy. "

It was now her mother caught on to what was happening. She remembered daddy receiving the wedding invite but told her to refrain from telling Amrah anything about it.

"Daddy, I can kill for Areef you know that and I swear no matter what I must make Areef mine. " she said as she made way to her room.

Just as she was about to enter her room she turned to her father.

"And I regret trusting you to get me my happiness. You never had my best interest at heart. I hate you. " she went into the room banging the door.

Hajiya Halima wanted to follow her and give her a piece of her mind but daddy stopped her.

"Don't Halima, it's all my fault. Blame this on me. I was blinded by my love for her I didn't see I was destroying her. " He burst out crying.

His wife although seeing his fault in the way their daughter turned out die to his pampering sympathized with her husband because no father deserve this from his own child and if only she had tried a little harder her daughter might have turned out better if not different.

She dragged her husband away to their room where he wept like a child. As regret washed over and over him.

Hey guys.... How are you all... How's the lock down and every other thing. Hope you all are staying safe. Ramadan Kareem to you all in advance.

I had to write this chapter and as you can see there's a lesson here.

As parents, we are tasked with moulding our kids future. Not their success or failure but how your child turns out morally.

It is absolutely necessary to love our kids unconditionally at the same time we must be strict enough to them to show them What is right and wrong, to teach them that the world is not a bed of roses, you don't always get what you want. To teach our kids there's a difference between what they want and what's best for them.

To teach our kids that we are not fairies or genies that can grant them any of their wishes.

I hope this was beneficial.

See you next chapter. With more of the bride and groom.


Stay home stay safe 💞💞💞

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