Chapter 19: No, No I Don't hate You

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Dedicated to Emiko_Chanxoxox. Thanks for inspiring me to keep the story alive! And sorry this takes soooo long. I think about writing and then put it off. And then I just keep putting it off until I forget so yeah...

There was an awkward silence before I shut my eyes tightly. There was a quick swishing noise and when I looked up Tsukasa had a bright red mark across his cheek.
It was like time stopped. For a long second we just stared at each other. I couldn't do anything but gasp. Tsukasa just sat there with his mouth dangling open. The machine had said I lied.
"And that ends the game!" Sarah was able to recover. "Tune in next week to find out which couple is eliminated next!"
As the camera shut off and the crew began packing up and moving for the next shooting location Tsukasa and I remained frozen still staring at each other.
"Alright love birds we need you two to move your asses into the bus so I can get on with my life. Does that sound good to you guys? It sounds good to me. Now move!" I swear Hunter talks a lot just cause he likes the sound of his voice.
Ever so slowly Tsukasa and I marched to the bus in complete awkward silence. We sat down in our assigned seats, me next to the window. He coughed, I silently stated out the window.
"Alright kiddies, looks like Chansen and miss Arizona here will be camping out at Bellows tonight. Lansing and lover boy are in cabin A. And our lovely winners Jordan and Jack get the hotel. Everyone happy? Good. Lets head out!" Hunter yelled impatiently to the bus driver.
"Are we ever going to talk about this?" Tsukasa was first to break the awkward silence.
"I don't really have anything to say about it. The machines thought I was lying, but i was telling the truth."
"I know you don't want to admit it Lansing, but..."
"Don't even finish that sentence. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to be on this stupid bus in stupid Hawaii. Can we talk later? Ok. "
"Ok, fine." He sighed exasperated. "But just for your information Hawaii is not stupid."
About five minutes passed before he interrupted my staring contest with my reflection, "Ok it's later, can we talk now?"
"How about now?"
"Ok... Now?"
"Tsukasa, when a girl says she wants to talk later she means never."
"Then why can't girls just say that?"
"Because we just don't work that way and we want guys to figure out what we want without having to tell them."
"Oh, ok. I don't get girls."
"Me too. Me too."
For the rest of the ride we sat in silence. But it wasn't as awkward as before. Now there was a sense of peace. At least for now. But I couldn't hold off on talking to Tsukasa forever.
"And this stop is for Lansing and Kevin. Get off get settled, it's gonna be a cold night. Cuddle up you two!" Hunter basically threw us off the bus. We dragged our luggage to cabin a. It wasn't bad, the cabin had a small kitchen and living room space. Through one door was a bedroom with one bed and the other had a bathroom complete with toilet and shower.
"So who wants to shower first?"
After getting settled in and showering, it was Tsukasa's turn. While he was showering, I set up a makeshift bed with the blanket and a pillow. Cameras were set up all around the cabin, but I didn't really pay attention to them. Tsukasa finally finished. He stepped out of the bathroom in a billow of smoke with only a towel wrapped around his torso. Beads of water slipped down his toned abbs and I couldn't help but swallow.
"Put some clothes on." I uttered.
"Come on, don't tell me your weren't staring just a little while ago." He smirked which irritated me.
"Please there's nothing to stare at." I rolled my eyes totally lying this time.
"It's supposed to be cold tonight. You sure you don't wanna cuddle under the blanket." He suggested.
"If your scenario involves you, me, on the same bed you can keep dreaming."
"Fine then, I will." I just rolled my eyes. "It'll be a good dream too. I won't say everything what happens in them. Just want you to know, most times you beg me for more."
"Oh my god."
He chuckled. "Sometimes they also include whipped cream."
I made a gagging noise.
I began to settle down In the bed and was about to pull up the covers when I realized there were none. Damn, I forgot I used then to make Tsukasa's bed.
Hunter was right, it was getting cold. All I had on was a tank top and shorts. I mean, that's what I usually sleep in. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. But sleep evaded me tonight.
"Hey Lansing, are you asleep?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"I wish you wouldn't."
"Do you still hate me?"
"And he asked it anyway. How about I ask you a question first? Are you still a jerk?"
"How would I know. I never thought I was a jerk in the first place."
"Ok, the answer you just gave, that's my answer to your question."
"I don't get it. So You never hated me to begin with?"
"Oh no I hated you." I nonchalantly responded. "I guess now I'm so tired of hating you that I don't hate you anymore."
"So the answer is no, no you don't hate me anymore."
"I dislike you, but yeah, I don't hate hate you anymore."
There was a calming silence that transpired between us for the briefest of moments.
Then he ruined it.
"So do you wanna cuddle now?"

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