Chapter 6: I Declare War!

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"So you made a new friend, that's awesome." My best friend Katie and I were hanging out before our part time job at Crazy Piza.

"I guess its okay. But she also seems like one of those prissy counterfeits."

"Oh my gosh Lansing, you can't compare someone with stolen jewelry." Katie complained while sipping her mocha cappuccino.

"You don't understand. I don't know why, but something is very strange about her."

"Well at least now you have a partner in crime, right."

"If only that were true, you'll never guess what happened today Katie. I think I might just have to kill myself."

"What you failed another test? Please tell me something I don't know."

I shock my head, "It's not like that, it's a bigger deal."

-Two hours earlier-

Katherine and I had some free time between classes so she decided to buy me my favorite soda and we took a stroll through school campus.

"I was wondering about how you got in? Not to be rude or anything, but I've never heard of your family before." Not to be rude, but ditto, I thought in my head.

"I'm adopted. My adopted parents are pretty rich and my twin brothers graduated from Yellow Ridge. So yeah."

"Oh, that explains it. I didn't peg you as a smart one so I knew it had to be money." Katherine replied back with a flip of her perfect locks. Why do I hang out with her? Oh yeah, I have no one else.

My sad lonely life.

Katherine, acting like a princess, began twirling around. Suddenly, as if God didn't hate me enough already, Katherine tripped over her own foot and landed on the sidewalk. Her full can of soda flew into the air. And like the slow-mos in the movie, the can slowly floated down from heaven spraying its sugary contents on an unlucky bystander.

And unluckily for us, one of those bystanders included the infamous tyrant Kevin Tsukasa. (Start playing the jaws music in the back round, because his face looked like mine when Kim Kardashian named her kid North West: utter disbelief.)

Katherine screamed and rushed towards the awaiting king. As Kevin looked up, I knew my world was about to come crashing down.

"I-I'm so so-sorry." Katherine stood their dumbly staring at him stuttering a half-hearted apology. I didn't know if she was scared shit-less or if she was boiling with anger. "I'm sooooo sorry. I-I I promise to pay for it, right away. I-I-I I'm sooo sorry. Please forgive me! I'll do anything. Please don't hurt me!" Katherine cried bursting with tears.

Well, I guess that answered my question. So much for not being afraid of the F4, Katherine was beginning to seem like a total fake.

"Shut up! First of all you can't pay to replace these shoes because they're one of a kind made in Italy. And even if you did have more money then me, which I doubt, it's impossible to ship it here this moment." shouted Kevin. He continued, "And secondly if we could all just say sorry, we wouldn't need the police now would we? So put away your fake crocodile tears, they don't affect me." Kevin paused for dramatic effect, "What can you do to make me forget about this little issue we have here?" he smiled an evil grin. "All you have to do is lick it off."

The first thing that popped into my head: That's unsanitary.

"What?" Katherine's face looked like death.

"Lick it off and I'll forget all about it."

"I-I-I..." she stammered while starting to bend over his shoes.

I don't know what made me do it. I knew Katherine was a counterfeit, a phony. But she was my friend. She was always honest with me, even if her words came with poison barbs. All of a sudden the image of Adam came into my mind. "Stay out of harms way," that's what he told me. Sorry Adam, this time I don't think I can keep my promise.

"Ya!" My voice echoed throughout the courtyard. Katherine turned towards me, eyes wide open. I pushed her out of the way and stood face-to-face with the devil spawn himself. "Listen here you, I don't know who you think you are but you're not that great."

"And who are you?" He asked arms folded.

"You may think no one abhors you, but you need a major reality check. Not that I want to hamper your idiot fest here, but my friend and I have better things to do then adhere to some pompous tyrant who struts around flailing cash as if he earned it, which ie last time I checked, you have never earned a penny in your life. So maybe your bigot friends and your noxious brain can't comprehend what I'm saying, but placid people, like me, are sick and tired of your tyranny. And if I might add, your distorted sense of empowerment is just an illusion, stranded in the middle of a useless disoriented carcass entitled Kevin Tsuakasa."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

I smirked, "In idiot, I'm saying you are not as great as you think you are. And before you red card me or whatever it is you do, I declare war against you." I made sure to enunciate every word and speak slowly as if talking to a four year old.

To top off my little speech, I took the rest of my soda and poured it over Kevin's bewildered face. I grabbed Katherine's hand and made a run for it.

Behind my retreating back Kevin looked at his best friends and a malicious grin spread across his face.

"Well, that sounded like an interesting day." Katie hummed.

"Yeah can't wait for tomorrow."

I knew that "it" was going to happen; I was going to become an Adam. Of course I didn't want that, but it was inevitable at this point and I don't want to be a loser who regrets standing up for what is right. And if worse comes to worse I could always return to my old life with Katie at public school.

But just this once, I wanted good to beat evil. I wanted to crush Kevin Tsukasa with all the arrogant pride he so embodied. I wanted to crush him like the little bug he is. My remuneration would be the look on Kevin's face when he admits defeat.

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