Chapter 14: Peace Out Suckers

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A/n hello readers. I think this is the first time I am really writing a message to you guys. First of all I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading it really means a lot to me. Second, I am sorry about the updates. I honestly have a story outline and skeleton already but never seem to have to gut or motivation to write. That coupled with the fact that I am not a very good writer to begin with, updates have been snail pace slow so I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Honestly I see all my stories visually in my head and then I have to find a way to explain all the actions in words which I find a little hard...
Thirdly, I wanted to say how much I would love to hear back comments. Good or bad and can learn, grow, and appreciate everything, I like to believe I'm a very understanding and open person. If you have questions please just ask I will try to answer all your burning desires. If you think you can help me, submit some artwork  that would be awesome!
Anyway thank you so much for reading this not so awesome story... I hope to make it awesome in the future so please keep reading! Thanks again.

<3 krisoftx

Lansing's POV

"You are hereby invited to join Ms. Victoria Song Qian for the grand opening of her newest jewelry line a(f)ection." I placed the elaborate invitation back on the bar countertop at Crazy Piza. "Does that even make sense to you Katie? A jewelry line named affection?"

"Oh I thought you were gonna comment on how you even got that invitation. I thought Kerrie and Mr. Big Boss work in the hotel industry."

"Yeah they do but sometimes we get these weird invitations to do some opening or party or whatnot. But in reality it has 'give me money' written all over it. But Kerrie loves those kinds of things."

"I know you girls don't see each other at school, but can you leave the gossiping for breaks and perhaps do what I'm paying you to do, which is work." My boss and chief chef at Crazy Piza handed Katie and I a hot plate of pizza.

"Yes boss!" We saluted and walked off in opposite directions. The sound of bells jingling alerted me that a new customer had entered the restaurant. "Hello, welcome to Crazy Piza." I turned and saw a familiar face. "Oh, Katherine..."

"Hey." She shyly waved.

You must be wondering what happened to our friendship. We'll pretty much after the little red note from Tsukasa, Katherine went missing for a few days and when she came back to school she never talked to me anymore and avoided me or just passed me by in the halls without any eye contact.

I understood, I mean who wants to be friends with a red note kid and get bullied too. That's no fun. And although she should be kissing the ground I walk on for saving her tiny ass, I kinda just forgot about her.

"Hey, can I sit here, I kinda want to talk to you."

"Sure have a seat at any empty table." She nodded her head and sat down at the nearest table. I went to deliver the pizza I was holding and came back to take her order.

"So what can I get you Katherine?"

"I actually didn't come for pizza. I just walked to talk to you. I know the last like month hasn't been so great for you and I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry."

"Oh so now that the F4 have thinned out their attacks on me you wanna ask for forgiveness?" I crossed my arms.

"It's not like that. I was just, you know, afraid of him. That's all. I still think of you as my friend. Like my only friend at school. And it wasn't sitting right in my heart that you were taking all the blame for my mistake. I'm so sorry. I was just hoping that we could still be friends."

"Well Katherine I don't hold it against you, and I understand. I don't think we can ever go back to being best friends, but you'll always be a friend in my eyes."

The Flower Four + Me (A Boys Over Flowers Fanfiction) ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang