Chapter 15: A New Star in the Sky

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Lansing's POV

"Stop following me!" I yelled for the thousandth time.

"Why!?" Tsukasa whined for like the thousandth plus one time.

"Because you're annoying me you little creeper!"

"You know you like it." He tried to keep poking my side. "Come on, come on, come on. Lansing. Turn around. Look at me! Look at me! Lansing Carter!!!" He was like a three year old on steroids (not a very good thing...)

"What could you possibly want!? You have followed me for the last three blocks can you please get a life and stop trailing me like a lost kitten you freak! Don't make me punch you again." I threatened.

"Still causing problems I see." A mysterious voice showered down on us.

"Where did that come from?" Looking left and right I didn't see another human in sight.

Kevin started spazzing out for some reason.

"I didn't do anything!" He yelled while raising his hands in the air frantically.

"Put your hands down you idiot before you starts looking more like a monkey in the circus."

"Am I imagining things?" I questioned.

"Shh." Tsukasa slapped his dirty hand over my mouth. "The voice of heaven is speaking. Don't mess with her."

"Oh, shut up you pussy! I'm up here."

Sure enough on the rooftop was a young woman, probably in her late twenties, dressed in a red suit jacket leisurely leaning over the railing. "Yo!"

"Hello, it's very nice to meet you, my name is Sarah Tsuakasa. And obviously this walking accident is my little brother." She smiled sweetly. Sarah invited us to sit with her inside the cafe.

"I'm not that little! Just because you have more wrinkles than me it doesn't give you the right to boss me around."

Suddenly, as if a cold breeze swept through the small cafe, Sarah slightly turned her body to face Tsukasa. Though gritted teeth she hissed, "What did you say?"

"I said, I'm not little anymore. Just because..." And before he could finish his sentence Sarah grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of his hair and threw him on the floor.

Before he could even react she kicked him in his man parts. While he was howling in pain she grabbed him by the collar once more and manipulated him as if he were a little puppet. After a few good punches she reclaimed her seat leaving a battle scarred Tsukasa on the floor of the cafe.

"Sorry you had to see that. You see if I don't punish him, he thinks he's so cool and will keep picking on you. That's the problem with boys, they think they know everything. Kids like him need a good beating once in a while."

I smiled brightly, "I think I love you."

"Haha. I've never been told that by a female before. At least not to my face. Well there's a first for everything. Anyway, where are my well defined manners. I never asked what your name is."

"Oh sorry. I'm Lansing Carter. I go to school with that lump over there." I shrugged pointing towards Tsukasa still lying defeated on the ground.

"I'm sorry if my brother was hassling you. I don't know where he gets it from."

"Maybe he was born defected." I laughed. "Anyway your lovely brother has caused me lots of problems over the last month. Hassling, teasing, not to mention a stupid red notice."

"Red notice? He still does that!?" This time Sarah laughed. "Him and his friends have always been a tad bit childish."

"A tad?"

"The F4, those four kids, they've all lived pretty harsh lives besides the fact that they're filthy rich."

"Correction, their parents are filthy stinking rich."


"I don't hate them because they're rich. We can't help who our parents are. We can't control who comes and goes in our lives. I believe every meeting is fated. But what I can't understand are those who abuse their power. Make excuses to pick on the weakling. To pick on the people who aren't like them."

Sarah slowly reached over the table and took my hands into hers. "When I say this, I'm speaking as Kevin's sister. This world is filled with bad people, but Kevin is not one of them. He way be hotheaded and not understand the English language, sure he's sometime stupid as a brick and likes to think he's right all the time. But beside all those horrible, but fixable, problems, there's a man waiting to find love and give back the love he's always dreamed of."

-meaningful silence-

"Well until that happens I wish he would stop bothering me. Of all the people in the world why me!?"

Sarah's phone started ringing so she excused herself and went outside to answer the call. While she was away I went over to Tsukasa who was now propped up against the cafe wall.

"It seems you two girls were talking a lot."

"Yeah your sister's really nice. What happened to you?"

"Please" he scoffed "I don't want to be an old hag like her. She's always cramping my style."

"Too bad you don't have style." I flat panned.

"Sorry you two I have a huge emergency." Sarah ran in exhausted.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

Tsukasa looked up, concern in his eyes. "Lansing and I will help out, I guess." I nodded in agreement.

"OMG, you guys are life savers. It's almost Winter Break right?"

"Yeah, next week I believe." I shrug.

"Perfect. Don't make any plans."

For once in my life, well maybe this was like the third or fourth time in my life, anyway I knew everything was about to change. When I looked at Sarah I thought a new star just appeared in my life.

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