Chapter 22: Facing Your Fears Part 1

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Tsukasa and I silently rolled up to what seemed like an empty lot.

"What the hell are we doing here? Are you sure this is the right place?" Tsukasa asked.

I shrugged, "All I did was follow the GPS."

A monitor located nearby suddenly turned on and Hunters smug face filled the television screen. "Hello kids. Welcome to the exciting second event! Well it won't be too exciting for one of you. Today you both will be getting buried alive!"

I could feel all the blood draining from my face. This was my worst nightmare.
"At this point I'm sure one of you have understood the next set of challenges. But if you haven't realized it yet, you two will be facing your worst fears and putting your relationship to the ultimate test."

Tsukasa turned to look at me with a question mark written on his face. I, on the other hand, was having a full on panic attack.

"Both of you must lie in one of the glass boxes and be buried into the ground. You'll be totally covered by dirt and you'll have to stay there for a total of ten minutes." It's official, Hunter's the devil and this show is hell. "If one of you refuses to do the challenge, you'll be disqualified and automatically booted to third place."

There was Tsukasa on the side all carefree flipping his hair like this is a piece of cake, and then there's me on his right hyperventilating, tears brimming over and snot probably involved.

"Oh come on Lansing, this will be cool."

"Cool? Cool! You think getting buried alive is cool!? We, mainly I, could die under the stupid ground! What is wrong with you?"

He just shrugged. "It's just cool."

"If I hear you say the word cool again, I'm going to bury you alive without placing you in the coffin first."
"I don't get why being buried alive is your worst fear. I mean, who in their right mind would bury you alive?"

"It could happen!" I yelled back.

Production came on to the scene and guided us to our own coffin. They explained that oxygen would be pumped into the boxes so we didn't need to worry about oxygen depletion. We were also given a communication device so we could speak to each other while being buried. Tsukasa got hooked up and jumped a little too gleefully into his see-through coffin. I on the other hand was balls to the walls crying. I didn't want to look like a pansy on national television, but I never knew this is what it meant to be on a dating show. I mean, how could they use your worst fear against you? American television...

"Lansing, earth to Lansing. Come in Lansing." Now it just seemed like Tsukasa was poking fun at me. "Don't worry about anything. You're not gonna die."

"Not helping!" I yelled back through the mic.

"Don't worry. I'll be with you the whole way down. I mean I won't be with, with you. But I'll be with you right here. Listen to my voice just my voice. You can do this."

I don't know what kind of spell he was casting over me, but I took a few deep breaths and stepped into my death bed.
"That's good. See, you're almost done." They started to lower us down into a dark hole. I could see a bunch of guys begin to throw dirt on top of our coffins.

"Don't focus on what those guys are doing just listen to my voice. Close your eyes and just listen." I don't know why I did it, but I slowly closed my eyes and listened to Tsukasa's voice. Just his voice. The world around me was enveloped in darkness.

"Don't worry about anything. I'm right beside you. I'll always be beside you. Just trust me."

The funny thing was, I did trust him.
"You can trust me." He kept repeating.

Listening to his voice, the ten minutes passed so fast I couldn't believe it.
Once my coffin hit high ground again and they opened the top, I jumped up and ran to Tsukasa hugging him.
This time I was crying tears of joy. I survived. I made it through my worst fears.

"Thank you." I whispered in Tsukasa's ear. "I made it thanks to you."
It was so weird. In that moment I forgot all about who he was who I was the past we shared. None of those things really meant anything. But this moment, it was something special and meaningful. A meaning that seeped all the way into my bones and the only one person I shared it with, was him.

The dynamic of our relationship changed. No, I think that's the moment everything changed.

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