Chapter 11: Don't Love Me like Money

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"Why hello there gorgeous."

"Shut up Tsukasa."

He faked a gasp, "What kind of words do you let slip out of that beautiful mouth of yours?"

"Don't make me slap you."

Kevin just chuckled. Of course I thought, why am I so surprised. I should of smelled the stench of "loser" a mile away. We continued to stand awkwardly in the middle of the ballroom me staring daggers him twiddling his thumbs.

"Are you going to say something!" I demanded.

"Well if you raise your voice, I don't want to."

"How about if I raised my fist, would you talk."

"There you go again with the ugly words from such a pretty mouth."

"You don't even want to know what other ugly things can come out of your mouth if you don't start talking." I gave him my sweetest country darling smile.

"When you smile like that it just makes me feel more scared..."

"Good, then it's doing its job." I smiled wider.

Kevin motioned me to come closer. I have him stink eye. He waved again, and since I have nothing better to do, I followed his instructions and walked towards him. He brought me up to a full length mirror and smiled.

"One million." He whispered in my ear.


"One million dollars. That's how much I spent on you." He stated as if he had finally got an A on a history paper. "Look at you. Look at what I can do for you. Look how beautiful you are. It's because of me, I can give ou all of this. Sure your family may be wealthy, but your wealth can't compare to mine. A yachet? No problem. Private jet? I have five. This, this is what power is all about. This is what wealth and money can do for a person. Money can buy anything the heart desires. Just look at you, with me on your side you can do anything. All you have to do is take back you're deceleration. I don't want to be at war with you. In fact I would be willing to make you my girl. You could follow me at school. If you're lucky I'll talk to you. And sometimes, if no one is looking, you can even hold my hand. What do you say?"

I looked in the mirror, staring back at me was a beautiful, soffistacated young woman. She was dressed beautifully with make up which made her eyes shine. Her hair was loosely tied into a clump of curly waterfalls. And behind her was a handsome young man willing to buy her a yachet or private jet. For a moment I imagined myself as her, all the possibilities, all the dreams that would come true.

But this wasn't me. The girl in the mirror, she's not me, she's just a painted picture.

I giggled. Then that giggle turned into a boisterous laugh. "Did you really think I was that kind of girl." Now it was Kevin's turn to look baffled. "First of all I hate jewelry." I ripped of the diamond necklace and bracelets and threw it on the floor. "Second, I can do with all this make up. I like my simple eye liner, thank you very much. Thirdly, I don't dress like this, I like my simple jeans and a tank top. Sure I dress up sometimes, but it doesn't mean I want a thousand dollar dress." I unzipped the dress and stepped out of it.

The embarrassment of being only in my bra and underwear didn't really sink in. I was too caught up in my anger towards Kevin at the moment that I simply ignored his baffled facial expression and continued my rant.

"You think you're so awesome because you throw around your parents money. Well news flash buddy, you're not that awesome. You're not even a good person. You want to buy me with money. Sure go ahead, I like free stuff, you can buy we all the yachts and jets you want to. While you're, at it just give me a gold credit card. But the one thing I would never ever let you buy off of me is my heart. You'll never purchase me with your money. I'm not moved by cash. In fact I would rather be poor and homeless in comparison with the likes of scum like you."

And with those final words I walked out of the ballroom, head held high, in my clad polka dot bra and matching underwear. Lets just say the butlers and maids had a lot to gossip about after I left.

"You know what," I said to myself, "I'm going to that dance."

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