I don't. It's just that I know I can't go home like this. I'm surprised about how I could still talk to him like this with my situation. But the room is slowly swirling around me. And this is an indication that if I try to walk home, I would surely fall on the pavement face first.

The first person that came to my mind when I thought of a driver is Sergio. Sergio had a car. And I don't think he's busy too. Maybe, he's just perfecting his beard right now. So, I dialed his phone number on my phone. Andrés saved it on my phone. He said that maybe there would be a time when I can't reach him, and Sergio would always know where he is. And of course, for emergencies.

It's not like I couldn't reach him now. It's just that, I don't want to. I don't want to face him yet. Because the fact that he'll be there for me now, but won't be for the next years would make me feel like my heart is being stomped on by a pair of combat boots again and again.

And I'm already tired of crying. My eyes feel like a bee had just stung it.

It was ringing on the other line. And on the fifth ring. Sergio picked up. "Hello, Lyanna?"

"Heyy, four eyes. Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't meeeean to bully youuu. But, guess whaaaat? you actually look good in those glasses. Oh, maybe those pair have x-ray vision, so you can always see tittie-" I slurred. I don't even know why it kept coming off my mouth. And Sergio interrupted my nonsense talking.

"Are you drunk, Lyanna? Where are you?" He asked, worriedly.

"I'm here at the bar with Ryan. And you're my driver for tonight, soooo I need you to pick me up." I answered him.

"Who is Ryan? And driver? What bar are you in?" He frantically said.

"I didn't pay you to ask me questions. Just come pick me up." I said demandingly to him, and ended the call.

I turned to Ryan and smirked at him. "That's how you discipline your driver." I said, and winked at him.


"If you get to meet the queen, what question would you ask her?" I asked Ryan.

I was currently seated at a stool in the bar with my head on my crossed arms in the counter. Just like I was napping. I've been waiting for Sergio to pick me up, and it's been at least thirty minutes since I called him. And Ryan won't let me drink anymore, so I got bored and just kept asking him random questions, while he was preparing the customer's drinks.

"I would ask her about how she managed to live this long." He answered, as he continued shaking the drink he was preparing.

"Ooh, or maybe ask her how tall the T-Rex is, since she got to see it in that period." I said, and he just shook his head and grinned widely.

"You really are a fascinating and funny woman." He said, as he looked at me and had this cute smile on his face.

I was about to reply, when a voice cut me off,

"Oh really? Is she?"

I heard the familiar voice, and it made me raise my head from my napping position, and look at the person behind me.

"Oh look, it's my fashionista baby." I said to Andrés, and spread my arms wide expecting a hug from him.

A frown was on his face, as he continued on looking between me and Ryan. Then he settled his eyes on me, giving me a hard glare.

Uh oh he's not happy.

He walked towards me and wrapped his arm on my waist to help me stand up from the tall stool. He then grabbed my coat on the counter and raised it on my back. I obediently slid my arms on the sleeves and stayed quiet.

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