1 | The Bike

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"Andres what the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed to this guy standing in front of me holding a bike which he never had.

Andres was panting, and his sweat was dripping from his face. "Come on! Stop asking questions. You wanna get to the park or not?" He told me while looking at me and over his shoulder frantically.

"I would want to but whose bike is this?" I asked him because as far as I know they couldn't afford buying a bike due to his mother's situation right now. And I was hoping it isn't what I was thinking and he'll say that he borrowed it from his friend which he doesn't have much.

"Uhm... it's from.. uh.." his eyes started wandering, and he looked at the grass like it's something he haven't seen before.

I scoffed at him, "Oh, no ,no ,no... Please tell me this is not what I am thinking right now?" I told him while looking at his face to see any changes that would tell me it isn't what I've been telling him to stop.

"But... but.. he was such an airhead and keeps showing of this bike and it pissed me off and-" And there! The guilty but proud countenance on his face. These are the times which I can't believe that he's even my best friend.

"Don't you dare but,but me, Andres Fonollosa. You promised right? Right?! So you're Andres 'the promise breaker' now huh?" I told him trying to change his mind.

"Oh don't call me that. I'm sorry for breaking the promise, but I'm not sorry for stealing this. And at least we'll have a ride going to school now and we can go to the park and everywhere with this." He told me trying to sway me with the advantages with the bike. WITH A STOLEN BIKE?!

"Ugh! I wanna curse at you so bad right now. But no, Andres I can't ride a bike with you with guilt because it's STOLEN! And the worry because what if the owner sees us? Huh?" I told him pointing at the bike and raising my hands to express my point more.

He smirked at me. Oh, how dare he look at me with that face right now. "That's where you underestimated your smartest friend, Ly. Because I already have a plan before stealing this." He pointed his temple several times and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "And I believe this "smart" plan of yours involves a certain friend of yours? Huh?" I quoted the word smart with my fingers. Let's see how smart his plan is.

"Well yeah, because I believe that certain friend of mine will benefit on this bike too." He nodded his head and he's grinning right now which annoyed me even more.

"You can have that stupid stolen bike to yourself because I promised myself that the last time I'll get involved with your plans is the tuxedo incident." Pointing at the bike angrily and started walking away from him.

He moved forward with the bike on his hand and followed me. "Yet you were there when I stole on that mini store. Hm? Remember?" He asked reminding me how he dragged me to that store with that old woman who is so oblivious that the friend I came with was already stealing food from the shelves while I was talking to her.

"Oh don't you dare bring that up. I was only there to buy some food and talk to the old lady and not as your accomplice." Trying to deny that I actually was helped him with his scheme that time.

He narrowed his eyes at me and looked at me like I was trying to be funny. "Yeah? Just like how you keep asking the pharmacist questions while I was stealing some meds huh?"

I groaned because he was right. I stopped walking and faced him. "So what's your point Mr. Troublemaker?" I asked him, so we could end this conversation faster.

"My point is, we both know that my plans are beautifully made with no flaws and all of it has been successful so far. Right?" He raised his chin and looked at me confidently. "And please stop calling me names."

"I'll call you names whenever I want you, nincompoop." He rolled his eyes at me at that statement, and he was about to talk when I shushed him. "Anyways let's talk about this plan of yours on this bike so we could go home now." He smiled at me because he knows I'll help him on this plan of his.

"What? We won't go to the park anymore? We could have a stroll and test this bike." He sat on the bike and looked at me and I glared at him, "Okay, okay your conscience can't ride a stolen bike yet you eat food that I stole. What's the difference?"

"Oh my goodness! I'm so done with you right now!" I told him angrily and walked faster away from him.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. So, my plan is we'll customize this bike by painting it with that talent of yours and that birdbrained owner of this bike won't recognize this anymore. What do you think?" He explained his plans to me which is kind of okay to me I guess.

"What about paint? I don't have that much paint left?" I told him kinda getting onto this plan of his.

He smirked at me and had that mischievous look on his face. "You know I'll improvise. Our neighbour has some." He said while winking at me.

I sighed and walked with him as we were going to my garage. I looked at him and thought that this guy made me nervous and scared many times than I can count because of his plans and schemes.

But after all that fear of thinking that we might get caught, and seeing his big smile and happiness that his plan was successful and he got what he wanted, it also made me glad that I was there when he did all those.

Oh how I knew this friend of mine will give me a lot of headaches.


Hi guys, so it's March 30, 2020, and if you're currently reading, the whole world is on quarantine because of the Corona Virus. And I sincerely hope and pray this pandemic would end soon. And please stay at your home guys.

So anyways, I just finished watching season 3 of Money heist last night, and I just watched the trailer for the season 4 and holy cow when I saw that 5 second clip with Andres in it. I'm so freakin' shooked. And there are a lot of theories going on rn. Saying that it's just a flashback or it's actually him, alive. And I really hope it's the latter because I miss him already.

And I've been searching some Andres fanfic around and I didn't saw much so I decided to make one. Since I have this much time in my house too.

And I hope you'll like it too. And I apologize for some grammatical errors because English is not my first language and pleaseee tell me my errors so I can correct it.

Thank you so much for giving this story a chance.

And I'm so excited for season 4 this April 3. Aghhhhh!

Bye! Mwah!

P.s. They were around 14 yrs old on this flashback.

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