4 | The Birthday Cake

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"Happy Birthday, Lyanna, my dear." My Aunt that I totally forgot that I had greeted me with his son, Leo, beside her who just waved at me, awkwardly.

You know that family member you have that only appears when it's someone's birthday or wedding or baptism. And after that, swoosh! You won't see them again until the next event. And they're the type of person whose all dressed up and shows off how well their lives are. They'll talk to you sweetly, like they know you really well, but no, they're just there for the food and to have a look to talk about the other family members' lives. Eh, I hate these fake people.

"Thank you, Aunt Mel." I replied with an auto smile that I've practiced well, because I know I'll be doing quite a lot today.

"Leo here, have a present for you. Why don't you give it to her now, Leo." She held her son's shoulder and pushed him forward a bit. Leo was holding this gift bag and pushed the bag towards me. "Here." He said stoically.

Wow, I've never seen that enthusiasm before, cousin. I received the bag and thanked him and Aunt Mel. Leo and I aren't like the normal cousins there is. Like the close type or like the best friends kind of cousin. And how I wish I did have something like that. Because come on, a cousin is that friend that you can never get rid off in your life. My family isn't that big too. One of my aunts decided to just have cats as her kids and the other one's just inconsolable after he's husband died. My dad's brother is a farmer who lives somewhere far with his barn and his son which is also on his late twenties. And that's all about my family tree. And both my grandparents already passed away. But hey, at least this imperfect family of mine is complete on my birthday, right? But yeah, this also explains why I have a certain fancy-dressing, proud and a larcenist, as a best friend.

I opened the bag and even though Aunt Mel is not the best aunt there is, her gifts definitely is. Inside the bag are some sets of canvases, sketch pads and painting materials. I'm not saying we're broke but my parents have more important bills to pay, that's why I never asked them to buy me some stuff for my hobby. That's also why; Andres steals some paint on their neighbor sometimes, and when that neighbor of his ran out of paint, he stole some from the art students at the school. I know, I know, I shouldn't tolerate him for stealing. But I bet I'll be rich by now if I had a dollar every time I scold him for stealing and still he wouldn't listen.

I grinned at my Aunt and thanked her again. Then she proceeded at the kitchen to help my mother with preparing the food. Leo was left there standing with me as I continue to look at the items inside the bag.

"Where's that friend of yours who wears a necktie in every occasion?" He asked after some time standing there and looking around. Leo has met Andres a couple of times, because I always have invited Andres in parties that my family have, well obviously because I'll get bored and I don't have anyone at my age to talk to or play with me. Well, Leo is three years older than me.

"He'll arrive soon. Why?" I answered. Even though they haven't said anything to me, I can clearly see it that both of them aren't in good terms. There's this one time I saw them talking in the porch and after their talk, Leo came inside with a very angry countenance while Andres stayed outside. I went out and asked Andres what just happened but he wouldn't tell me anything. Until now I still don't have any idea what happened but I can see that my friend said something to Leo that made him pissed until now.

He was about to reply but my mom suddenly arrived and turned my body to face her. "Excuse me, honey, but we're about to start. So you better get to the table now and put your presents on the side first." She informed me excitedly. "Where's Andres?" She looked around for a second and continued, "Don't forget to thank him for the cake, darling, okay?"

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