7 | Helmer's Myopathy

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I woke up at the sound of my front door opening. I don't know if I should be terrified because the only person who has access for that door would be Andres, who should be fast asleep by now. But if I come to think of it any intruder wouldn't enter your place using the front door. But it's better to be safe than be killed.

I slowly got up to not make any noise that would alarm the person who just entered. I don't have any idea who this person that dared to come into my apartment and wake me up at 1 am in the morning, but if he's not Santa Claus bringing me some Chicken Nuggets then he'll face my wrath. I grabbed a pair of scissors on my table because it's the most weapon I could have.

I walked to my bedroom door and slowly opened it making sure not to create any noise. I wanted to surprise this person and maybe jump on his back just like what I usually see in movies and maybe just cut his hair first and hear his reason of intruding.

The lights were on in the living room and on the kitchen. I looked around the living room but saw nothing. Then, I headed to the kitchen and that's where I saw a very familiar figure. His back was facing me, and I can see that he's opening a bottle of wine. I placed the pair of scissors on the counter before speaking to him.

"Andres? What are you doing?" I asked him. This time of night he should be snoring right now. But not only did he go to my place this late but he's also having some wine.

He slowly faced me. And boy, when I saw his face and looked at his eyes my heart shattered for him. His face looked so tired and his eyes were drowsy and bloodshot and it's clearly because he's been crying. Even now, tears are about to spill on those eyes. But that was not what I noticed in his eyes. When he looked at me straight in the eyes, I saw and felt everything. The exhausted, sad and depressed emotions he's feeling.

With no questions asked, I came to him and wrapped my arms around him. He did the same but his were tighter. He leaned his head on my shoulder. That's when he started bawling out. I let him. We stood there in my kitchen with me rubbing his back while he continued to sob. I didn't say any words because I know no comforting words can comfort his pain right now. I just let him pour it all out.

At some point, he stopped crying, but we stayed in our positions with our arms around each other and his head on my shoulder. After a few minutes, he looked up and looked at me for a moment. He then moved his hands on my back and held my hands. He looked at my hands while at the same time both his thumbs were rubbing on it.

I know that he was about to say something but is having a debate on his mind on how to say it and how hard it is to say. I'll give him the time he needed. His mouth keep on opening and closing before he suddenly looked up with tears on his eyes. "I'm diagnosed with mother's disease."

A tear fell on his face right after he said that sentence. And as I heard that, I felt my world crumbled. His mother's disease. The disease that took her away from her children. My body just froze as I try to register those words on my mind.

Unfair. That was the word that kept on repeating on my mind. Why does it have to be so unfair? Why does it have to be Andres? Why does the reason that he lost his mother will be the same reason why I'll be losing him too.

Tears just kept on falling on my eyes. It's just too painful. I can't take it. I can't even think of a time where Andres is not there. I can't make myself think of my future without this man standing in front of me. If only I could stop time and stay on this day forever in each other's arms.

My whole life, he was there. The good times and the bad ones, I spent it all with him. He was supposed to be my other half. But I'm about to lose him. My best friend. My love.

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