4 ~ the case

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'So what are you saying?' Y/f/n asked y/n as they were grabbing their bikes to bike home together.

Y/n looked at her friend and grinned 'I'm saying that something happened to our teacher and her soulmate and I am going to find out what!'

'You shouldn't!' Her friend suddenly said with a very serious face 'It's her choice not to say anything y/n. We should respect that.'

'There's no fun in that!' Y/n rolled her eyes playfully 'By the way, why should I care about respect for her. Not that she likes me that much or even has a little respect towards me.'

Y/n's friend sighed and looked down as she said 'You only want to find this whole thing out because you're mad because she went a bit crazy on you.'


Y/n let herself fall down onto her bed. All her energy  was gone, mostly because of the lack of sleep but also because of school.

A huge sigh escaped her lips as she realized that she had a big test coming up tomorrow. Not wanting to study after the attitude from her teacher she let her eyes fall onto the pen laying next to her bed.

All the words from her soulmate flooded her head in no time. All the thoughts about her test tomorrow left as soon as she grabbed the pen and looked at her wrist.

'Hi' she wrote down, hoping for a respond.

'Well hellow:)' she got answered pretty quickly.

The fact that he was answering so quick gave her stomach a weird feeling. Not really knowing what it meant, she just decided to start talking with him.

Before y/n could even write something down, her wrist started shivering again and said 'How was your day?'

'Pretty boring.' Y/n answered honestly 'School you know. Especially with this one teacher who went crazy on me. What about yours?'

'Well I'm glad I have online school so there are no teachers who can go crazy on me. Are you okay?'
Her soulmate answered.

'You're so lucky! I'm okay. There's just one thing I can't stop thinking about.' Y/n said as her teacher and her mysterious soulmate poppped into her head once again.

Clearly curious about what she had meant, her soulmate answered very quick 'What can't you stop thinking about?'

'My teacher, the one who went kind of crazy on me today, I think something might have happened with her soulmate. I want to know what it was but I don't know if it is a good idea though.'

Y/n saw y/f/n in front of her again, saying that shouldn't dig in this whole situation.

But to be honest, that just made sure that she wanted it even more. It was more interesting than studying for the test, that was for sure.

'What's keeping you back?' Her soulmate had asked.

'My friend.' Y/n sighed 'She says i shouldn't do it. That I should respect my teacher's decision. To be honest, this is a whole new adventure we could be in. What if her soulmate was a murderer or something! Maybe that's why she's such a grumpy woman! She's never been able to love her soulmate!'

It seemed like there was no answer coming from the other side and y/n looked back at what she had written. Feeling suddenly like she had said too much, she decided to apologize.

'I'm sorry for rambling, I expect that's why you aren't answering.'

'No not at all!' Was written on her wrist after just a few seconds after her apology 'I couldn't stop reading it over and over again to be honest! You wrote it so adventurous. It indeed seems something that is worth looking into! Even if we get this really boring end of her story.'

With a small chuckle and especially loads of relief flooding into y/n's system she let a small smile come onto her lips and wrote back 'We can both look into it! Help each other! Would you want to?'

'How could I say no to this amazing case! ;)' he wrote back.

'Our case huh?' Y/n chuckled as she thought about all the results they could be getting from this story. Her teacher's soulmate could indeed be a vicious murderer who has murdered tons of people! Maybe it was a very ugly man who looked even worse than her own teacher did. What if it was a very good and polite boy but she thought to be way too good for him.

'Our case' he answered.

Little did y/n know that on the other side, her soulmate was also letting himself drown in all these ideas of where this case would lead to. A wide smile fell onto the boy's lips as also he was laying on his bed now looking outside his window.

Soulmates // Aidan Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now