Beau shakes his head, "I have a few more tricks up my sleeve."

I let out a groan, but a part of me is excited at the thought of experiencing more firsts with him. We make it back to the car, and he surprises me yet again by opening the door for me.

"Such a gentlemen." I tease.


Back at home, Beau leads me to the beach in front of our condos. The sun is setting now, and a cool breeze blows against my face. He lays out a few towels, flips open the top to the cooler, and plops a can of beer into my lap.

I immediately know which item is next. Shotgun a beer.

"I have no clue how to do this." I admit.

He grabs the can and pulls out his car keys from his pocket. "I figured, it's easy."

He walks me through the process three times before I finally feel like I can manage all the steps on my own. I press the key into the can, and when I feel the pressure release I press the can to my lips. I fumble with the tab, but eventually get it open. I last a few seconds before spewing the beer all over the place.

Beau bursts into a fit of laughter, and I can feel my cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

"Okay, why is that so much harder than it looks?" I ask, tossing the can to the side.

He pulls me into him, "I don't know, but that was entertaining as hell. There are just two more things we're crossing off your list tonight."

I look up at him, "Oh yeah?"

He stands, and begins to slowly walk backwards towards the ocean. His eyes are fixed on mine, and with each step another article of clothing is stripped away.

"What the hell are you doing?" I exclaim, quickly checking from every direction to make sure no one can see him.

He doesn't answer, instead just flashes me the sexiest smile. When he's down to only his boxers, he turns and slides them down his thighs. His bare ass is on display for anyone who happens to stumble upon us.

"Beau Dalton what the hell are you doing?" I repeat my question. "Someone is going to see you!"

He shrugs, "What are you waiting for? Come on."

I shake my head furiously. "Absolutely not. No. It's not even dark yet! You're crazy."

"Get in the damn water." He says in a calm voice that makes me still.

"No." I am not doing this. I keep glancing around, just waiting on one of our family members to crash the party.

"Katherine Ivy Wilder, take your fucking clothes off and get in here with me."

I cross my arms and shake my head again. "Not happening."

"Don't make me get out of this water to come get you." He teases.

I picture him exiting the water that is currently hiding the fact that he's completely naked and chills erupt across my body.

"Baby..." He pleads, and I can feel my resolve weakening.

Before I can come to my senses, I rise to my feet and begin to take off my clothes. It feels strange, awkward even. I've never been so completely bare with another person before.

I leave on my bra and panties, and wade into the water to meet him.

"Hi." I say, blushing.

"Hi." He responds, wrapping me in his arms. My legs wrap around his waist, and his hands slide to the clasp of my bra. "Can I?"

I nod, even though my inner voice is screaming at me to stop being an idiot. The sun slips under the horizon, and I let my insecurities fall away one by one.

"You're beautiful." He whispers into my neck, his hands trailing over my skin.

When our lips meet it begins slowly, but it doesn't take long for passion to take control. It seems that no matter how hard we try, those primal urges always win out. After tasting him once I know I'll never be able to get enough. He kisses me harder, deeper. This is the kind of kiss that breaks open the sky. The kind of kiss that tells you that any other kiss with any other man would be wrong.

My fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer to me until we dissolve into one another. My veins pulse and my heart feels like it's seconds from exploding. The waves crash into us, and he hoists me up to keep them from swallowing me.

With my legs still wrapped around his waist he carries me from the water and lays me down onto the towel. The weight of his body pushing into me, his need for me pressing against my thighs- it's intoxicating. I inhale the scent of Beau Dalton. Everything about him is pure bliss. His hands are everywhere, tracing every inch of my wet body.

I don't care that his lips are already on mine, I want more. I need more. I need him to be closer, I need all of him.

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