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I wait by the entrance to the walkway for the boys to join me, and I am suddenly nervous. I wasn't exactly honest about my history with drinking. I mean, I'd had a glass of wine here and there. Then there was the mimosa at brunch today... But I had never been drunk. I had never even been tipsy before. I prayed there would be an easy way to play this off, and maybe they wouldn't catch onto just how inexperienced I really am. Beau walks up first, and my nerves become even worse.

Why does he make me so uncomfortable? He is holding a blanket and bottle of liquor. It looks like a dark liquor, rum maybe? I wonder how old he is. He is wearing a white t-shirt and I can see the faint lines of ink through it. I feel hot, and a foreign sensation pulsates through my body. My heart begins to beat faster and I think back to my first night and the mysterious man in the shower. I am trying so hard not to look at him. The tension I feel right now is excruciating. I can feel his eyes on me, and I glance up. The look in his eyes is a mixture of confusion and frustration, at least that is what it looks like to me. God, where is Thomas? Maybe I should just say that I am exhausted and need to head to bed. This guy probably thinks I am absolutely pathetic.

"You said the boat was beautiful, why did you choose that word?" I hear the question come out of his mouth but don't register that he was speaking to me. "Earth to Katherine?"

Shit. "Oh, I'm not sure. What do you mean?" I try to answer calmly.

"Most people wouldn't describe a little daysailer as beautiful." He presses for an answer.

"I guess that is just what popped into my head? It isn't really that the boat itself was beautiful... it was more that experiencing it would be beautiful I think." I answer quietly.

"Elaborate." He says flatly. I groan, and he smirks.

"What do you mean elaborate? I just think the whole idea of sailing is beautiful. I imagine it feels like flying a bit." I feel like an idiot, and I am positive he thinks of me as one. He just stares at me with a curious look on his face.

"What are you staring at?!" I am exasperated. He doesn't answer, he just continues to stare at me... Then he smiles again. I throw my head back in frustration.

"You are just- " Beau is interrupted when Thomas runs up and apologizes for taking so long. What was he going to say? Now I wish he would have waited just a few seconds before interrupting. Hes toting a small cooler and some towels.

"Rum? Really Beau?" Thomas grabs my hand and pulls me towards the sea. "Here is good." And he lays out a towel for me. "Pick your poison!" He jokes.

I peer into the open cooler and see quite the selection.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I grabbed a little bit of everything." I smile thinking of him racing around the house trying to make sure there was at least one thing that I liked.

"That was sweet of you, thanks Thomas. To be honest, I have no clue what I like." I said coming clean. 

"I've only ever really had wine... and mimosas. What do you recommend for a beginner such as myself?" I hope the humor makes this less awkward. I hate feeling like a child, and right now that is exactly what is happening. I catch Beau narrow his eyes at me.

"Hey, no worries. How about a wine cooler? I grabbed a few of my moms fruity drinks." Thomas offers me the glass bottle containing a pink liquid, and I accept it. The drink is ice cold and refreshing. It doesn't even taste like alcohol. I finish it quickly as we listen to Thomas tell more stories, and grab another from the cooler. Beau stays quiet, and I almost forget he is there. Every so often I see him take a swig of the dark liquor. I finished the second drink, and reach my hand over to the cooler feeling around for a third.

I feel someone touch me, and as I look over Beau has taken my hand in his. He places it back to my side and mouths "take it easy." Excuse me? Take it easy? I've had two wine coolers that taste like juice and this guy tells me to take it easy? Thomas pauses from his story to ask if I want another drink.

"Yes please." I reply avoiding eye contact with Beau. Thomas seems to be a little tipsy because he has launched into yet another lengthy story. He sure is talkative tonight. His tale makes me giggle, and he hands me another bottle. I hear Beau inhale sharply. Why is he so worried about me? I roll my eyes and listen.

My stomach let's out a small grumble, and my cheeks flush.

"Someone is hungry." Thomas says with a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess I am! Is it alright if we head back?" Thomas says of course and Beau says nothing. As soon as I stand I feel funny. I must have wobbled a little because once again Beau is grasping my arms to steady me.

"Should have taken it easy." He mumbles. I pull my arm away from him and march towards the condo. Why was he so rude? I have been nothing but nice, but he is just so mean. I can still feel where his hands were on me, and it makes me shiver. Thomas runs into their condo to grab some snacks which leaves me alone with Beau again. I avoid his gaze and walk over to the Dalton's pool. The water feels amazing on my skin. I sit against the edge and swing my legs creating little ripples on the water. I lean back and look up towards the stars.

"This is the most relaxed I've felt in years." I really didn't meant to say it out loud, but it's true. Tonight had been a sharp contrast compared to what my life was typically like. Not only was I out past midnight with two boys, but I was drinking. The slight buzz I was feeling allowed me to push away the warning bells that had been programmed in my mind to prevent this type of behavior. Beau laid back on a lounger and pressed the bottle to his lips again.

"Isn't that gross?" I ask him.

"Rum? No. It burns a little, but it's a good burn." He responds. A good burn? Since when is any type of burn a good thing?

"Why would you want to drink something that burns...?" I say to him and he scoffs.

"How old are you again?" This just pisses me off honestly.

"You don't have to try and make me feel like a child just because I'm not used to stuff like this!" That came out more aggressive than I had intended. There goes that raised eyebrow again.

"Sorry, damn. Don't get your panties in a wad." He shakes his head at me. The fact that he mentioned my panties makes me nervous, and I look down to make sure he can't see them. My white briefs probably wouldn't be very impressive to someone like Beau.

"So you aren't a child huh?" He asks.

"Obviously not." I mutter in response. He shoves the bottle of rum towards me and says nothing. I know he is testing me, and I don't appreciate it.

"I have nothing to prove to you!" I say with conviction. He turns up the bottle again and smirks,

"That is what I thought." I have no clue what has come over me, but before I can even think my actions through I have snatched the bottle from his hands. The liquid burns as it travels down my throat and it takes all my strength not to gag. Thomas is approaching us with a few bags of chips and I shove the bottle back towards Beau.

After handing me a bag, Thomas says "I wouldn't have pegged you for a dark liquor girl, Katherine." My face and chest feel warm and tingly. The burning sensation is gone, and I let my eyes meet Beau.

"Our new neighbor is just full of surprises isn't she?" He says, and I can tell he is trying not to smile. 

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