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The sound of bells and chimes wake me up, and I reach under the pillow to silence my phone. The alarm seems much louder than usual, and the bright sunlight filling the room overwhelms my eyes. I pull the comforter over my head and groan loudly. A small knock at the bedroom door forces me to come out of hiding.

"Katherine, you okay in there?" I sit up, but instead of answering I just groan again. She slowly pushes open the door and smiles when she sees the state I am in. In her hands is a glass of orange juice, and nestled in between her arm and body is a bottle of Advil. The expression on her face shows both pity and amusement.

"Looks like last night was fun." she jokes. I think back to the events of the night before, and scrunch my face a little.

"I did have a good time, I think so anyways. I met some cool people. A girl named Sam asked me to hang out today." Shelly beams, and I know she is happy that I have made friends.

"Well that sure sounds like a good night. Why the uncertainty?" she asks. I think about her question, and am not sure how to answer it. Nothing bad happened, in fact it was the most fun I had ever had. I hadn't just stepped out of my comfort zone, I had demolished it. Katherine Wilder drank all night and even played in a beer pong tournament. No, not played.. dominated. I wasn't just a meek bookworm anymore. This sudden wave of empowerment rushed over me, and I shook my head.

"There isn't any uncertainty, I think I'm a little surprised by how easy it was for me to fit into that world." I glance over to the balcony door, and remember Beau's fingers brushing across my skin.

"You act like being a smart kid makes you an alien Katherine. I know being homeschooled made having a social life hard, but it's time you learned what it feels like to have a life. A real life." My aunt leans over to me and kisses my forehead. "I love you kid." she says.

"I love you too, Shelly." I reply.

"Whew, okay. Now that we've had our little moment, you need to get dressed. Who was it you said was coming to pick you up?" She says while getting up from the bed.

"Sam, I don't know much about her. We seem to click well together though." She heads for the door, and turns to face me once more before walking out.

"Have fun, and text me later. Let me know if you want to grab dinner tonight." I nod, and head for the closet. Deciding to stick to something comfortable, I pull on some black yoga pants. I glance over the new tops hanging on the rack and settle on a loose fitting crop top. My stomach grumbles a little and I hope Sam hasn't eaten yet so we can pick something up on the way. It's at that moment I realize I never checked my messages. I had just silenced the alarm right before Shelly walked in, so more than likely Sam had already texted. I turn over the phone and see 1 missed call from a number I believe must be Sam's. There are also two texts, both from a Florida area codes.

Hey girl, this is Sam. Text me when you're up. 

Okay, so who is this other text from? I quickly reply to Sam and click on the other message. 

Might not want to leave your phone where strangers can get to it. Sleep tight, Kat. 

My breath catches when I see the way this person addressed me. I think back to the night before when my phone sat on the kitchen counter. I don't know what he is getting out of toying with me this way, but I don't appreciate it. It feels like a sick game of cat and mouse, and it's obvious who the prey is here. He must get some type of pleasure from watching me squirm at his strange advances. I have seen the way he interacts with other women, and he seems to have no trouble getting what he wants out of them. Why on Earth he is choosing to single me out like this is beyond me. There is no possible way this guy is actually interested in someone like me, so I worry about what his intentions are. I click and hold down the blue chat bubble and the option to delete appears.. but I can't seem to do it. I close the app and slide the phone in my waistband.

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