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We walk into a small boutique that has racks lining the walls. "See anything you like?" my Aunt asks as I run my hands along the fabrics.

"Uh, not yet." I answer quickly. I look at all the different colors and patterns. "I don't know Shelly, my tastes are a little more simple?" I don't mean for it to sound so much like a question.

"How about you let me choose a few things for you? I don't think you know how to dress for your body" she states. I look down at the dress she is wearing, and I love the way it looks on her. She really does have style. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea.

"Okay." I say. She begins throwing different items of clothing over her arm and slides a mound to the girl working the register.

"Oh Shelly, that's too much!" She silences me with a look, and I don't say another word. I don't even want to hear the total amount so I walk outside and wait for my Aunt to finish up. When she makes it outside she is proudly holding two large shopping bags. I didn't even really see what she grabbed, I hope there are at least a few things that will work.

Back at the condo I take a quick shower to remove what is left of the tanning oil from earlier. I smile when I notice the tan lines appearing where my bikini had been. I can hear Shelly singing along to a Gin Blossoms song in her room and I can't help but be in awe of her. For a woman who has been through so much recently, she sure does love life. I find myself wondering why her husband couldn't be faithful. She is beautiful and kind, and so much fun! Infidelity has never made much sense to me. I wonder if he regrets what he did. I wonder if he misses her. I shrug off the thoughts and turn my attention to the bags of clothing. Let's see what we're working with. I dump out the bags one by one and begin to sort through them. A few sundresses and rompers, a maxi-dress, skirts, lots of tops... There is so much here. I hold up a skimpy little number that instantly makes me laugh.

"I would NEVER wear this." I look at the little black dress and decide to hang it in the back of the closet. I finish hanging up the remainder of my new clothes, and pull on a yellow dress for tonight. I look in the mirror and am pleasantly surprised. The fit is great. It slightly hugs my waist and then flows outwards. It isn't too short, and it isn't too long. I do a few twirls. Maybe Shelly is on to something here. I grab my makeup bag and look at the few items inside it. There is concealer, lip gloss, blush, mascara, and a few eye shadow compacts. I really don't have much, and for some reason tonight I feel like I need more.

I slide my feet into some sandals and walk down the stairs towards Shelly's room. I knock, "Hey, could I borrow some makeup? I don't have much..." She waves me in without a word and hands me a large bag. I unzip it and look at the treasure trove that is inside. I don't even know where to start.

I must look utterly confused because Shelly laughs and says, "Come here honey, let me do your makeup. Nothing heavy, let's just accentuate that natural beauty." I close my eyes and let her handle the rest.

She finished with some sort of shimmering powder, and said it was perfect. I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe that the woman staring back was actually me. She hadn't overdone it, which I was thankful for. Mostly it was barely there, but the way she did my eyes is what stood out. There was a touch of eyeliner and mascara, and the perfect amount of golden eye shadow. I looked like I was glowing.

Turning to face her I gushed, "Thanks, I love it." She wrapped me in a quick hug and hurried towards the living room. I stayed in front of her full-length mirror for a little while longer. Feeling beautiful wasn't something that I was used to, and tonight I felt like there was this newfound confidence radiating within me that was never there before. I hear Shelly call for me and make my way towards the door with her.

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