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"Katherine, are you awake? I want to grab brunch!" I roll over and groan. I was up late last night, and this wake-up call is not appreciated. Maybe if I ignore her she will leave me alone... My thoughts are interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

"Katherine it is your first day here! You simply cannot sleep it away!" I roll out of bed and open the door. My aunt Shelly is already dressed and wearing a huge smile.

"Okay, give me a few minutes to get dressed." I say to her. I can't be upset, she is only trying to spend time with me and make my trip a good one. "I'll be right down."

I settle on some white shorts and a light pink tank top. I take in my appearance and see that the little bump that was trying to break through has subsided a bit. My skin could really use a tan, but I guess that is something I can work on while I'm here. I look closely at the mirror and examine my freckles. I've always loved them, and they were the main reason I didn't wear makeup. I hated covering them. I dot some concealer under the dark circles threatening to give away just how late I had stayed awake last night and applied a swipe of gloss to my lips. I looked very natural, and I liked it that way. I gathered my unruly hair into another bun. I didn't feel like doing much else with it, and I knew Shelly was waiting on me. I slid on my tennis shoes and walked down to meet her.

"You look great!" she stated as I joined her in the kitchen.

"Thanks, you do too." She did look great. She wore a loose-fitting dress that had a bohemian feel to it, and her hair was in a braid. Her bare face gave away her age, but it didn't make her any less beautiful. I envied the golden color of her skin. I made a mental note to lay out as soon as we returned from brunch.

"You're going to love this place! All the locals come here." She chatted on about the different things that were good on the menu. I decided on an English muffin and jelly, simple and delicious. The waiter come back and places two champagne flutes on the table that look to be filled with orange juice. I look at Shelly and she winks.

"Enjoy the mimosas ladies." I've had a few drinks before, but before noon?

"Mimosas are my favorite, drink up. Don't worry, it's very relaxed around here." I take a sip, and its surprisingly good. I take my time finishing the drink, while Shelly has a few more. I am no prude, but the fear of getting in trouble keeps me from accepting her offer for another. My eighteenth birthday is next week, and I have never understood the lure of underage drinking.

"Do you want to walk back? We aren't far. This weather is incredible." I nod.

This is something we can agree on, it really is incredible here. I can feel the sun hitting my shoulders as we make our way back to the condo, and I am looking forward to getting out on the beach to tan.

"I think I'm going to lay out when we get back if that's alright. I have a book to finish, and I really want to get some color while I'm here."

Shelly smiles, "Oh yes! Fantastic! There is nothing more relaxing than spending the day on the sand."

As we come up to the walkway a woman calls out to Shelly, "Is this your niece we've been hearing so much about?" It's the woman who I saw drinking wine on the porch.

"Cynthia! Yes, this is the one and only Katherine Wilder. She will be with me all summer." The woman whose name I now know is Cynthia smiles at me and clasps her hands around mine.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." I offer. She is stunning. What is with all these beautiful people here. Its intimidating. Her bleach blonde hair is wound tightly underneath a large sunhat, and her perfectly manicured nails make me instantly self-conscious of the chipped paint on mine. Despite her movie star looks she really does seem like a kind woman. Her crystal blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight, and her smile is infectious.

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