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It takes me a few minutes to catch my breath after my interaction with Beau. My mind is reeling, and I start to wonder if I had imagined the whole thing. Maybe the alcohol has me seeing things... and hearing things... and feeling things. Shit. I can still feel his warm breath on my neck. My body reacts to his in a primal way that I cannot seem to control. I know he's had plenty to drink tonight, and my brain decides that this caused him to act on some weird impulse. He is just drunk and horny, and I was around. I step into the bathroom and smooth out my dress. My cheeks are flushed. I splash some cool water on my face, tell myself to get it together, and walk back downstairs. 

Thomas calls my name and beckons me to join him. He is chatting with a girl, and they both smile as I approach.

"This is Sam," he says. "She lives around the corner." Sam is about my height, but other than that we are polar opposites. Her hair is black and she rocks a stylish pixie-cut. Her skin is pale, and her big eyes are a dark brown. She looks friendly, and I could really use a girlfriend here. I have only been in town for a few days and already I have so much that I need to vent about.

"Hi Sam, My name is Katherine. I live in Alabama, but I'm staying with my aunt for the summer. She lives in the condo next door."

Her smile is warm, and she responds "Nice to meet you." Once the normal pleasantries are exchanged, we bond over a mutual love of books. As it turns out, we have a few of the same favorite authors. She recommends a few that I have never heard of, and I offer some in return. Conversation flows easily between us, and I am once again grateful for Thomas. I look up and search the room for him. Our eyes meet and he flashes me a big grin and a thumbs up.

"We should meet up tomorrow, I can show you around if you'd like? There is an incredible second-hand bookstore here that you will love." The idea of rummaging through stacks of books sounds like fun, and I want to spend time with Sam.

"That sounds great! Just tell me when to be ready."

She laughs, "I don't do mornings, how about eleven?" I nod in agreement.

"Perfect, with all these late nights I haven't been opening me eyes until noon anyways. Let's just say I am not exactly used to this kind of thing." I gesture my hands around the room and we giggle in unison. 

The crowd begins to thin out, and I grab my phone from the kitchen counter. The sundress didn't have pockets and I've never really carried a purse. I wasn't one of those people who is always attached to my phone, so leaving it there for the night wasn't a big deal. The low-battery light is flashing so I go ahead and power it off. Sam said she would text me once she was on the way to pick me up tomorrow. As I walk out the open doors towards my aunt's condo I see Beau leaned against the pool house talking to some girl. While one hand is propping his body up against the wall, the other is resting on the small curve of her back. They are speaking in slow, hushed tones and I wish I was able to hear them. The mystery woman leans into him and his hand travels further south until rests directly on her perfectly round bottom.  I can feel the heat radiating in my cheeks, and my mouth is suddenly dry. I think back to our exchange upstairs only a short while ago, and now feel even more certain that I had imagined the whole thing. 

I quietly enter my aunt's condo and make my way up the stairs. Her bedroom light is off, but I can faintly hear the TV playing through the cracked door. I try to be silent just in case she is already sleeping. Once back in my room I strip off the dress and replace it with a big t-shirt. I crawl into the bed and close my eyes, but my brain just won't shut off. The events of the evening replay in my head on a loop. I feel as if I am watching a movie starring myself, and no matter how hard I try it will not turn off. My back against the wall, his face almost touching mine, and the slow movements of his hand as he places the strands of hair behind my ear. I toss and turn, but can't seem to get rid of the ache in my belly nor the yearning in my soul. How is it possible for a person to effect another so intensely this way? I squeeze my thighs together to and try and relieve the pressure that is building within me.

My hand finds it's way to the place where I need it most. It is almost instinctual. I have never touched myself before, but my body knows what to do. It doesn't take much, I was already so close to erupting... and the release feels incredible. 

After getting settled I realized I forgot to plug in my phone. I don't want to oversleep tomorrow, plus I need for Sam to be able to get in touch with me. I roll out of bed and grab the phone from my desk. I fumble for the charger in the dark, and finally get it attached. The screen comes to life, and it takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness. I set an alarm, and turn the volume up as high as it will go. I stick the phone under my pillow, and get snuggled into bed once again. It isn't long before the phone starts to ding, and I figure Sam must have shot me a quick text so I could save her number.

I can respond in the morning. I think to myself, and doze off to sleep.

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