Chapter 31

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Emma shivered as her mother opened the door.

"You're sure you girls don't want to come?" Mother asked. Emma nodded her head. "Alright then, I won't be too long." She gave Emiline a big hug and then headed outside with her umbrella.

Mother didn't go to town alone very often. But today, Emiline didn't want to go with her. Mrs. Bufford hadn't been feeling well, and Mother had volunteered to help her that morning. Emma shut the door and sighed in relief. She wouldn't have to listen to a word of Mrs. Bufford's gossip. She could stay home and enjoy some peace and quiet.

It was still very early in the morning. Lucy was asleep on Mother's bed, and Lizzy was snoring upstairs. Emiline rolled her eyes in frustration. Elizabeth had always slept in mother and father's room. But now that she was a squirming four-year-old, she had moved in with Emma.

"I wish she had a room of her own," Emiline grumbled to herself. "I don't see why she has to sleep in my bed! She kicks!" The night before, Emma had almost fallen out of bed. Her little sister had snuggled so close that there had been no other way to escape her.

Now, in the quiet of the morning, Emma curled up on her father's big chair in the living room. Soon, she would have to make breakfast and clean up the house. But she didn't want to think about that right now. All she wanted was some time to herself. She had been reading a book called, Little Women, and she was eager to see how it ended.

Quietly, she slipped the story away from its shelf and flipped its pages open. She traced the words with her fingers. But just as she found the place where she had left off, a little noise caught her attention. A whiny voice was babbling in Mother's room. And soon, Emiline heard her bedroom door shut upstairs.

Her eyes drifted from the words on her book to the dancing flames of the fire. Of course, they would have to wake up right now, she thought irritably. Every time I think I have some time on my hands, they have to ruin it!

"Good morning!" a happy voice giggled. Lizzy's feet thundered down the stairs. And in half a second, she jumped into her sister's lap.

Lucy babbled a little louder. From the dark bedroom, she could hear that something was going on out in the living room, and she felt very left out. Meanwhile, Elizabeth was showering Emma with hugs and wet kisses.

"Good morning, Lizzy," Emiline said behind clenched teeth. She lifted the little girl off of her and got up from her chair. Elizabeth clung to her sister's hand and followed her into their parents' bedroom.

"I had a bad dream last night," the little girl said pitifully.

Emma freed her hand from the child's tight grip and picked Lucy up. "I'm sorry," she said. "What did you dream?" Lizzy went on and on about her nightmares, but Emiline didn't listen very well. She still felt a little bit frustrated.

Now, feeling safe and happy, Lucy leaned her head on Emma's shoulder and shut her eyes. Emiline felt trapped. Elizabeth kept grabbing her hand or skirt. And now, Lucy was sound asleep in her arms.

Well, she considered, Maybe I can read anyway. Lizzy can play dolls while I finish this chapter.

Sitting down again, she picked up a rag doll that her grandmother had made and handed it to her sister. "Here, Lizzy," she said with a smile. "Why don't you play for a while? I'm going to..."

"Are you gonna play dollies with me, Emma?" Elizabeth interrupted joyously.

"Well, that wasn't what I..."

Lizzy pushed another doll into Emma's hand and started to play. For a while Emiline went along with her game. But her eyes glanced longingly at her book.

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