Chapter 9

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For days on end, the blasting, cold wind brought winter closer and closer to the little town. Thin layers of snow dusted the frozen ground, and the trees were almost leafless. It was a dismal week for the children. But at last, a day of summery sunshine came to bid the people one last farewell. The air was still cool, but it was warmer than it had been, and a cheery glow had risen in the morning sky. It was already promising to be a good day, but the very best part of it was that it was Saturday.

When Emiline woke up, the sunshine was pouring in through her window, welcoming her outside to play. Tempting scents of bacon and coffee floated up from downstairs. What a glorious morning. With a merry heart, Emma threw her blankets off and pulled on a bright colored dress. She almost didn't care what she wore. Nothing could have made her unhappy that day. Besides, she had her butterfly brooch to give her confidence. Every dress looked better when that gorgeous brooch was pinned to it.

As soon as breakfast was over, Emma grabbed a book from her bedroom and rushed outside. She didn't know where she was going, she just wanted to get away from everyone and read her book in the silence and sunshine. It had been hard for her to get any reading done lately. When she was at home, there were always chores to do. And even after chores, Lucy and Elizabeth demanded her attention all the time. How could she feel the drama of her novel when her little sisters were whining at her? Sometimes, Emiline thought her sisters were the worst sort of pests. Today, it would be nice to be all alone.

Emma walked up one of the loneliest lanes she could think of until all of the houses were far, far behind her. The nearest building was an old shack in the woods which had been empty for years. Soon, she found a pleasant spot where she lay down on a bed of rosy-red leaves and began to read her book. She had borrowed Susan's copy of Great Expectations, and it was an exciting, mysterious story. As she came to the chapter when the main character was threatened by an escaped criminal, an icy shiver ran down her spine. She nibbled one of the cookies she had snatched from the kitchen as she read on and on.

What would I do if a criminal threatened me? she wondered. Would I have the courage to stand up for myself? Flashing thoughts passed through her mind as she imagined the terror of being met by a desperate robber. Of course, she would have to be brave. She would have to fight for her life!

A gentle rustling noise sounded close by. The girl gave a start. Was someone there? Emma listened carefully. The chilly wind was scattering the dry leaves. Maybe it was nothing. She turned the next page and started to read once more. Then a chill touched her spine. There was that sound again. But this time it was more definite, like someone walking on the road.

Oh, don't be silly, Emma scolded herself. No one comes up this road. Besides, even if someone is there, it's probably someone I know. Emiline knew almost everyone in town. For the most part, her neighbors were kind and respectable people. In any case, it's time to go home. Great Expectations will just have to wait, she told herself.

The girl rose to her feet, let the sun warm her cheeks for a moment, and then started toward the road. It was only then that she noticed the slight scent of wood smoke in the air. Her heart filled with alarm. A fire? Out in the woods? No one built fires out there. Not unless...unless it was a hobo!

Emma stopped and listened. Silence. She crept forward as quietly as she could. As she came closer to the road, she crouched down and moved on, staying low to the ground. Now she could see the leaf-covered lane and a little puff of smoke rising above the hill.

That's where the old shack is! she thought in panic. A tramp must be hiding there!

As her eyes scanned the road, her horror grew. Down the lane stood an old woman; the same drunk beggar she and Susan had seen pass the schoolhouse.

A Hero at HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz