"That is amazing.." Pietro gasps looking up at the

"Look! Look! There's you!"
I smile seeing the blue flash

"Hey watch where you're going!"
Pietro stops in front of me stuttering

"Oh yeah, I thought you were hot ever since then" I smile as he chuckles

"Such a goofball" he smiles

"Here try it. I wanna try something" I say putting it on his head

"Uh okay" he nods closing his eyes

"Favorite memory of us" I say as a command

"Hmm don't have one" he deadpans

"Shut up" I roll my eyes laughing

"Okay, Okay.." he closes his eyes thinking

Then the projector shows the original avengers compound

"Hey I thought I'd seen the last of you on that helicarrier" I say and he turns to see me. As soon as our eyes meet he lights up

"Y/n I didn't think I'd see you here!" He smiles and embraces me

"Babe is that?-

"That is the first time I saw you when we weren't in danger, and I loved every second of it" Pietro chuckles

"That's your favorite?" I ask

"Hmm hold on" he shakes his head

The projector goes black as he thinks

Then it lights up

"I always thought you were beautiful" he smiles up at the sky, his blue eyes twinkle with the stars

"What?" I ask with a grin

"Ever since I say you that day. Outside of struckers lab. When you were saving clint. I thought you were beautiful" he admits and then looks at me as I look at him. I can't stop smiling. He grabs my hand and slowly starts leaning in, I can't help but start to lean in.
Soon enough our lips meet

"Wait wait.. as much as I loved our first kiss that just isn't it either" Pietro shakes his head

The projector starts again

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend!.. like officially?" He closes his eyes nervously and then opens them

"Yes of course!!" I Laugh happily as he sighs in relief

"When you asked me out" I smile watching the scene unfold

"No, no that isn't it either" he smiles to himself

"Then come on pick it can't be that hard" I tease him

"Okay... okay"

Then when the projector lights up again it's me. Like me right now just how I look at this moment

"Piet I don't understand?" I ask with a giggle

"Every moment with you is my favorite moment. All of them. I can't pick a favorite because I love being with you." He says looking at me

"Pietro" I say tearing up

"You know everything that has happened lately and all the little talks about weddings has me thinking... I do want to be with you forever.
Y/n you are my forever."
He sits up and comes closer to me

"Here, a promise to a forever together" he lightly takes my hand and slides a little ring on my finger with a tiny diamond in it

"Oh my gosh" I finally say after being speechless

I jump onto him and give him the biggest hug ever

"I love you, мой навсегда" he speaks softly

"I love you too. What does that mean?" I ask wiping a tear off my face

"My forever" he nods

"мой навсегда" I repeat roughly

"See you got it!" He chuckles

"Hmm" I hum

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I need more Oreos and peanut butter" I smile as he rolls his eyes

"Well I can't say no to you"


Hey guys here's just a cute fluffy chapter of y/n and Pietro.
And how adorable he gave her a promise ring 🥺.

A year ago I saw endgame and I've just been an emotional wreck all day. I miss tony so much it's unreal. I'm still trying to take Steve's advice and move on lmao
So because of that pain my next chapter will be a sort of dad daughter day :)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
Leave some comments for me and vote please

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