Nanny Dove looked up at Issac.

"Ise tot its were a prisoner ship dat brought youse and da others to 'ere?"

Issac laughed slightly.

"Ah. I guess the story has changed through the years."

"So its not be true dat youse were kicked out of da country?"

Issac thought for a moment.

"I guess that all is depending on how you look at the story, Matilda."

"Well da story dat wese all grew up wit was dat youse and da others were petty thieves that was given da option of stayin' in da dungeons or 'elpin' populate da new world."

Issac shook his head.

"Matilda, my dear. You really have to work on your speaking. I can barely understand what you are saying."

Nanny Dove laughed.

"Bit late nows, Poppy."

She stopped rocking and motioned for him to come closer. When he did, she whispered, "Ise can'ts be changing' now. Ise dead."

She started laughing and rocking again.

"Put dat in youse pipe and smokes it."

Issac just shook his head.

"Back in my day, a man would beat his wife for being so ..."

He searched for the right words.

"Pain in the ass," Bill suggested.

Issac laughed.

"Colourful, but makes a point."

He looked at Nanny Dove.

"Matilda, my dear. You are a pain in my ass."

"So Ise been told," she laughed.

"Many, many, many times."

"So what about this Emily Rose, Poppy Dove? There really seems to be a story there."

"There is, young Matty. A story that has never been told and is only known by a few. At least the truth be only known by a few."

Bill joined in.

"But, my question would be, how would Simon Hirst know anything about the Emily Rose or a tale of gold?"

Issac took the pipe from his mouth and thought for a moment.

"Hirst you say?"

Bill nodded.

"Yea, Simon Hirst."

"Now that I think about it, there was a Magistrate from my county name of Campbell. He was a Scotsman, I think.

Real pain in my ass as well.

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