Hot Stuff (M)

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Someone said hot stuff wasn't showing up like it was deleted or something, so im gonna re publish it again for the ones who didn't get to see

I purple you guys💜

P.s if you already read it just ignore this update



I never expected to fall for a guy i was your classic straight guy that had homophobic moments but they really werent intentional

I never expected to just change out of no where i was convinced that i would get married one day to a very beautiful girl and have two kids you know?

But he messed up my whole understanding

Mr hot stuff himself changed me

"I will not go to a gay bar minnie what the hell what if the school finds out about this we'll be expelled" i said to my best friend our friend yoongi worked there he invited us but how stupid would it look for a couple of teenage boys trying to get into a bar

"Cmonnnnn tae i need you to be my wing man I've been trying to get yoongi since i was in diapers" he whined he was right yoongi is a college student when we were younger he use to babysit us

"We're underage for fucks sakes" i said while shaking him by his shoulders but all he did was laugh and swat my hands away

"Its cool yoongi knows the club owner personally so we can get in and dont worry tonight it's costume themed so no one will notice us"

Now I'm scared because every halloween jimin loves to dress slutty last year we went to this halloween party as slutty hot dogs i dont know why i agreed but it was far more than just embarrassing

"You know what we haven't gone as yet?" I looked at him theres many things i can name like slutty bee keepers, slutty pirates we even went as slutty grandmas

"Let me guess slutty kindergarteners" jimin laughed and punched me jokingly

"No silly slutty dolls! We can dress like barbies" he said with so much excitement in his voice

"Whats with you and slutty costume wear is that like your always or something"

"Worry about that later sit your ass down im going to be doing your make up for a while"

After jimin was done i started to re-think all of my life choices like why is a straight guy like me dressed like a glamorous prostitute and why do i enjoy it more than anything

"Wow tae i think I might just marry you instead you look so b-beautiful" jimin said he then started to fake cry

"Yah! Then me getting all dolled up was for nothing you better make yoongi your man tonight! " jimin laughed he then grabbed his purse

"We look hot now push up your boobies because we're going to have so much fun!"


I regretted leaving the house i felt like the third wheel by the third set of drinks jimin and yoongi couldn't keep their faces off of eachother im surprised they didn't pass out yet

"Hello everyone and welcome to club bangtan i wanna welcome a special kinda boy to the stage the one you all desire and crave for, mr hot stuff himself!" The dj said before he started playing hot stuff by donna summer

A boy came out his body was mesmerizing he had a pretty face and small waist, his hair was long yet curly covered up with a fireman's helmet , he had on go go boots and red sparkly go go shorts

Sittin' here, eatin' my heart out waitin'

Waiting for some lover to call

Dialed about a thousand numbers lately

Almost rang the phone off the wall

As the music played he swayed his hips playfully teasing the crowd but it didn't feel like his focus was just on the crowd that night

It felt like he was after me

Lookin' for some hot stuff, baby this evenin'

I need some hot stuff, baby tonight

I want some hot stuff, baby this evenin'

Gotta have some hot stuff

Gotta have some love tonight

He threw of his hat grabbing the pole going around it gracefully i was stuck staring at him its like he had this crazy hold over me

And I didn't like it one bit

Next he waltzed into the crowd looking for a victim to use and abuse, a prey to pounce on

In the end i was that victim

Lookin' for a lover who needs another

Don't want another night on my own

Wanna share my love with a warm blooded lover

Wanna bring a wild man back home

His eyes were dark but his smile blinded me as he sat onto my lap my hand unconsciously grabbed his hips loving the soft grinding he was doing

This man was something different

Something so captivating that all my surroundings were gone it was just us

The loud music and the sound of my beating heart

He got closer to me lips almost touching making the hairs on the back of my neck stand i wanted him and I didn't know why

"Meet me in the bathroom after this sugar" he whispered into my ear goosebumps could be the only way to describe what i was feeling

Then our surroundings became whole again as he stood up

Lookin' for some hot stuff, baby this evenin'

I need some hot stuff, baby tonight

I want some hot stuff, baby this evenin'

Gotta have some hot stuff

Gotta have some love tonight

I need hot stuff

I want some hot stuff

I need hot stuff

After that he disappeared behind that curtain jimin came to me saying how hot that was but i still couldn't get what he said out of my mind

Should i go to the bathroom?

Is what i thought before i hurriedly went towards the door scared to knock on it i was contemplating surely if i take this step there really was no going back

"Looks like someone wanna change their mind" i heard him say he stood in front of the door looking so beautiful that i could barely breathe

God I'm falling hard for a stripper

"I bet i can change it for the best" he said somehow my hands ended up on his ass and well you know what happens next

He pulled me into that bathroom showing me things i never knew i needed to know

Taekook OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora