Daddy (M)

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Before you read this just know that it is incest and if that triggers you don't read it


Im tired of people telling me this oneshot is cringy i know it is i am the damn author and its just a story not real life so dont take it personally

I actually wrote this as a joke

Anyways those who choose to read this go on and those that dont want to then just skip it

Please and thank you 🖕🏾

Words: 2122


Taehyung was sick and not the type of sick that could be cured because there's no way in hell he should be touching himself to the thought of his father riding him or fucking him into the mattress as he begs for taehyung to let him cum moaning and screaming out his name

Jesus something had to be wrong with him hell he even knew that having these type of feelings were wrong but he could care less

It's not like he wanted things to be this way but jungkook made it that way with being too beautiful maybe it was hormones or maybe it was the fact that taehyung was madly in love with his father

"F-fuck" He moaned out as he slowly slid his hand into his shorts maybe it was a bit too early for this and he had about three hours before it was time for him to get up and get ready for school

But he couldn't sleep he kept thinking about jungkooks naked body usually him and his father would shower together to save time but that was when he was little It would be a bit weird to do it now since he's a teenager but jungkook didn't want to be late for work and taehyung was in the shower so he jumped in with him he was actually surprised he didn't jump on him when they were in there together

Now that was what set off the horniness in the boy it's a good thing his father was working the night shift he could get as loud as he wanted "d-daddy" He breathed out as he slowly stroked himself

It's been so long since he touched himself since jungkook was on vacation he could never find time especially with school and his after school practices might as well make the best of it

He stopped for a bit and tore off his clothes it was getting hot too hot for his liking and doing this naked was the best way now he was on his back, legs spread apart he loved to tease himself he loved taking things slow because he didn't want little moments like this to end fast

He spit on his hand and rubbed it all over his length imagining it as jungkooks mouth doing this to him and it had him on edge just thinking of his father made him close especially his voice he would always love it when his daddy would sing to him

"D-daddy more, l-lick it more" He moaned out as his hand tightened around his shaft he was about to lose his mind he kept thinking of all the dirty things jungkook would say to him

"Be patient baby boy" He wanted to hear it come from his mouth he wanted jungkook to praise him and to touch him in all types of ways but that was impossible he was his son and he knew Jungkook would think something like this was sick

Whenever jungkook called him that it made his mind fuzzy he could never think straight especially in the older man's presence "mmm daddy i-im close"

"Not yet baby, be a good boy and hold it for daddy"

Taehyung breath was shaky he felt his stomach tightening up he was close very close especially since his moans got louder "mmm i-fuck jungkook!" He tried to say something anything but it was too late before he started to cum all over himself and moan out jungkooks name

Taekook Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें