Do You Better (M)

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Words: 1738


Such a complicated thing

Taehyung always wondered where he went wrong

He had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friends, perfect everything

So why did he feel so empty

Why was he still unhappy

"Tae baby aren't you happy that prom is just around the corner we're going to win I'm so happy I can't wait" His boyfriend bogum said to him he could care less for prom it wasn't really his scene he didn't want to get all dressed up and parade around like that was going to be the best night of his life

Because it wasn't

"Listen I don't really think we should go you know" Bogum rolled his eyes and ignored his request still talking about useless things that didn't matter

Then he saw him

A tall handsome boy with Raven hair and piercings

He was so alluring

Taehyung had to meet him

"Tae listen you agreed to go with me stop zoning out and give me a response"

Taehyung looked at bogum he loved him he really did but their relationship was boring

Yes they kiss but it would be occasional pecks

And of course they would have sex normal couples do but it was always missionary the same old routines no dirty talk to quiet gasps and bogum doing all the moaning

He was a good guy

But right now taehyung needed more than just good

"I can't do this right now bo I have to go" He got up and roamed the halls for the mystery boy but he couldn't find him

It was like that for a week him catching a glimpse of him but losing him he was starting to think he was a ghost until they had their first encounter during p.e class

It was the sophomores and seniors mix up day thats when he saw him shirtless and playing basketball like a pro

He was so sexy and cocky taehyung couldn't keep his eyes off him

The sweat trickling down his body slowly, the way he would move his hair out of his face and bite his lips was just so attractive

He wanted to lick every inch of his body

"V? What are you staring at" Jimin said before sitting next to him with a big bag of Doritos he knows he's going to get in trouble like last time but you know jimin he was always a rule breaker

Taehyung liked him the most because out of all his friends he wasn't so perfect

He was just himself

"Hey min who is that guy right there?"

"The guy with the green hair? His name is min yoongi and god I would sell my soul just to hear him say my name" Taehyung chuckled and playfully punched his shoulder

"No you horny hoe I'm talking about the boy with the black hair the only shirtless boy in the gym" Jimin almost chocked on his chips when taehyung pointed him out

"That's my asshole step brother his name is Jeon jungkook wait don't tell me you have a hard on for him"

"W-what hell no" He said awkwardly chuckling

"I'm telling you to stay away from him for your own good he's a man whore who sleeps with anybody and doesn't care after he may seem sweet but thats just a act so he could get into your pants I live with the douche bag so I know his full intentions"

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