Love Letter (F)

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"Dear taehyung i lo-"  fuck what am i doing writing a love letter like this and starting it off with lame ass words that don't even express my true feelings that i have for him

Im scared

Fucking terrified because how will i even do this anonymously he knows my handwriting and i feel that this would be so much of a waste instead of a surprise

I'll try my best to write a mind blowing confession that'll come from the heart

I just hope taehyung doesn't reject me


"Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled to him holding the little envelope taehyung turned to him and smiled brightly before he pulled him into a big hug that was something he always did he would hug kookie and sniff him which was weird but he said it was because the boy smelled so good

Better than any smell he's ever smelt

"Hey bunny! I was just looking for you i need you to do me a favor"

"I-I um- i got this letter from this guy earlier and he told me to give this to you and its very important that you read it word from word" taehyung studied the small frilly envelope then it ticked

It was a love letter

"Nope I'm not interested in a mysterious man anyways kooks let me take a picture of you so i can hang it on the wall with my others" he said hurriedly with a blush on his face but jungkook didn't catch that

"No thats not fair someone took time out of their day to be brave and confess their love to you, at least read some of it you don't have to respond to them right away

Taehyung rolled his eyes he despised people other than jungkook and dating someone that he didn't know wasn't really his style since he already has someone he loves

Someone very special to him

"Fine only because you told me to" he grabbed the envelope and sniffed it smiling at the familiar sweet smell

He opened the envelope and smiled as he looked at the letters knowing exactly who's handwriting it was

"Hmm kookie did you read the letter? How about i read it out loud" he said mischievously making the younger boy turn bright red

"S-sure read it aloud"

"Dear taehyung

What the fuck!

I know me just saying that out of the blue confuses you but i just don't know what to say

You make me crazy nervous

My heart beats like crazy like i did a ten mile run when ever you get too close to me

I get all sweaty and my face turns bright red

I love seeing you smile i dont know why but when you do it motivates me to conquer the world (I'm not evil you know what i meant to say love)

And your voice lets take time to appreciate the sweet symphony that comes from those pretty yet kissable lips of yours

Ugh i want to kiss you so badly, i want to be closer to you at all times but i always act too weirdly

I just admire your beauty

I love that you can just be yourself without a care in the world while I'm just a shy and awkward potato writing you what was a sad attempt at a love letter

I said that i would try my best to tell you how i feel but the love i have for you is far beyond some meaningless words that you may forget or not acknowledge after reading

But i wanted you to know that im deeply in love with you

Your my unhealthy obsession, my guilty pleasure

Okay that sounded creepy im not a creep i swear i just love you more than life itself, again not a stalker

I just adore everything you do and everything about you

I love you kim taehyung

Sincerely a very good friend that loves you the mostest! Lol"

Taehyungs smile disappeared and jungkook was scared because what if he didnt like it??

Then he started to cry "oh shit um tae are you-" taehyung grabbed him by his uniform tie and kissed him softly

Jungkook almost fainted but he kissed back holding the other boys ass tae was the first to pull away wiping his face "stupid i should hit you for confessing first you ruined my surprise for you"

Jungkook chuckled and put their foreheads together "I'm sorry baby but you never gave me a answer will you be my boyfriend taehyung?"

"Yes! A thousand times yes"

That day was the start of something beautiful jungkook finally got to be with his crush all because of some small piece of paper

His love letter

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