I Dare You (F)

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Words: 2002

Jungkook was running around his messy room filling up his suitcase with things he didn't really need him and his friends were going to spend winter break in hoseoks uncle cabin he said they can have it to themselves "jungkook baby taehyung is here" he tripped and fell over his iron man action figure when he heard his mother say that name

Kim taehyung jungkooks best friend since they were in diapers he's surprised that taehyung even came over his house its been ages since that has happened "rise and shine kookie the guys- why are you on the floor and why are you not dressed yet"

See the problem was last night he stayed up all night playing skyrim that he forgot to pack his stuff "i was busy with doing my homework that i got caught up and forgot to pack sorry hyung"

Taehyung laughed jungkook was never a good liar "stop staying up playing skyrim that game will rot your brain now get up and put some clothes on" he said before he sat on the bed waiting for jungkook to get ready

Jungkook got off the floor and tidied up his room a bit before he got out a change of clothes he couldn't find his glasses he would eventually find them "kook come on im ready to goooo" taehyung whined he was taking forever

He shut up when jungkook took off his shirt damn when did jungkook get so muscular and he didn't look bad without his glasses if anything he looked better "hyung can you hand me my shirt"

Taehyung handed him his shirt why couldn't he stop watching him get dressed "there goes my glasses" he says finding them under his desk now he was back to being plain old jungkook

" you know kooks you should try contacts you wouldn't look so bad if anything you'll look cute the glasses make you look like a three year old" jungkook blushed the only word he heard out of that sentence was cute he was happy that taehyung thought he was cute when really he was far from that

"Shut up and lets go jimin said he had banana chips for me" after they put his luggage into the car they didn't actually speak to one another the car ride was awkward too since taehyung didn't know how to start a conversation which was rare in reality he felt guilty he ditched his best friend because he became cool and jungkook wasn't he still didn't understand why the younger didn't hate him

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that staring is rude and keep your eyes on the road I don't want to die at such a young age" taehyung chuckled one thing that never changed about kookie was that he's still brattier than ever

"When did you become so sassy i miss little kookie who promised me that some day he was going to be my wife" now jungkook face was really red yeah he said that and he feels stupid for saying it plus he was only five and they were playing house

"You never give that up do you and if anything you would be the wife not me your too pretty to be the husband" pretty jungkook wanted to slap himself, he wanted to get out of the car and run away but it was the truth taehyung was the prettiest boy he's ever seen

"Stop playing i-im not pretty now help me get the bags out of the trunk" jungkook smiled because he made his hyung flustered and he thought that was the cutest thing ever

"Koookie my youngest son oh give me a hug its been ages" jin Said dramatically but he wasn't lying it has been ages since they actually spent time all together jimin was busy with dance so was hoseok, yoongi stayed to himself most of the time, ken (from vixx) was the idol of school so he was busy with rally's and things, jin helped ken with his school stuff he was the class president after all, namjoon was basically crammed with tutoring and school work, taehyung was too busy with fucking girls and fucking off his grades and well jungkook he stayed home after school passing many missions on skyrim and overwatch thats was really the only thing he thought of himself talented at

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