Play The Part, Part 3 (A) Finale

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After that night me and taehyung became friends but what really pisses me off is that he doesn't remember what we did he just remembers the talk we had

"Kookie are you there you've been spacing out lately" Taehyung said to me as he sat my food down next to me

I space out because I have to control myself from pushing you down and having my way with you "I'm fine hyung just a little worried about the play tonight I don't think I'm ready to go on stage"

Taehyung started to laugh I could never get enough of it his deep voice would get all squeaky and childish it would make my heart flutter "what's so funny dumbass"

"Nothing your just annoyingly adorable and it makes me sick" He said with a big smile on his face those words was so common between us he would always say that and it pissed me off because i keep falling for him over and over again

Everything he does is just ugh

"But don't worry tonight we got this I know we'll do this great especially you since your such aa brilliant actor" I blushed ugh stop complementing me

After we ate at lunch we went straight to the stage so we could rehearse

"We can't be together c-cordessi i don't love you" Taehyung grabbed me by my shoulders and got all up in my face I couldn't focus he was so pretty and I hated that

"I love you and you love me isn't that enough forget what your father says we can make this work blaise" I wanted to cry why couldn't he just say he loved me in real life everything would all be so simple

"I can't do this! I'm up next for the throne I have to marry magdalen I have to birth a heir to the throne I have to do what's expected of me this is a sin they would hang us if they found out what we did"

Taehyung held me by my face "I wouldn't let them lay one finger on you I swore to protect you for the rest of my life and a man never goes back on his word" I started to tear up and hold his hands kissing both of them

I know what I did wasn't in the script but I just couldn't help it I really love him and I want him to know that I want to tell him everything

Taehyung frowned "then do as you say love me and protect me forever" Taehyung nodded as our foreheads touched I couldn't stop looking at his lips wanting him to kiss me

But he can't, I can't let that happen

"I promise blaise, I promise to be there" He leaned in slowly closing his eyes I leaned in as well but my eyes wouldn't close

I wonder if he could hear my heartbeat going crazy

"I-i can't do this" I said pulling away I ran to the back of the stage room trying to catch my breath ignoring them yell my name

I can't kiss him it would reveal too much I don't want him to know what I feel it's too soon but if I get these feelings out now I'll feel much better

I'll do it after the play

"Kookie what's wrong your worrying me is it something I did" He said looking sad I just hugged him laying onto his shoulder I didn't care if he didn't want me to hug him

Taehyung was always a bit sensitive when I touched him I never understood why but he would always tell me he wasn't use to skin ship

"I'm ok don't make that face" He smiled and hugged me back "you didn't do anything wrong I'm just nervous ok"

Taehyung pulled away and looked me on the eyes "remember this play will be a success so don't sweat it cmon let's go get some snacks and stuff before tonight ok"



"Your a disgrace! Your not my son you traitor how could you I gave you specific orders and you blew it!" Hoseok said to jimin the crowd watched intensively loving the show

I was scared I didn't want to go out there anymore but we had to do the ending scene and the play would be done "are you ready kookie?"

Taehyung whispered into my ear I looked at him

It was almost time for me to tell him what I really felt

Fuck it I'm not waiting anymore

"H-hyung I have to tell you something" Taehyung stopped watching the scene then looked at me with his boxy smile

"I um- well um i have something important to say and when I say it out just hope you don't hate me" Taehyung frowned and held my hand

"I could never hate you kookie you've been here for me through my darkest times so its my turn take as much time as you need to tell me what's on your mind"

The words

Three simple words




Thats all I wanted to say but it just wouldn't come out and when I was close to really letting it out we got pushed onto stage

I wanted to cry in frustration but hey I still have time when the play ends

All I have to do is play the part

"C-cordessi what's going on I'm scared why did everyone die like this so suddenly"

"The ale had a strange smell to it but thats the least of my problems I'm so happy that your ok my love" Taehyung held me by my face

"Enough with that you sinners! It was me who poisoned the wine I was so tired of father speaking so highly of you and ambrosia like you were some type of gods but did he know that at night while he slept you lye in bed with a man" Jimin said walking down the stairs

"Your just jealous ar'mon your mad that I've found love but you didn't your pathetic and lonely" Jimin threw the fake dagger at me and taehyung jumped in front of it catching it making it seem like he was stabbed

"Cordessi! No please no why, why would you jump in front of me" I said sitting down holding him in my arms the fake blood was everywhere taehyung smiled while holding my hand I cried and held his hand tightly

"I promised remember, i-i did it f-f-f" He coughed and held his chest jimin laughed at the scene that was going on

"What?! You did it for what"

"I did it for l-love" Those were his last words as he closed his eyes his head fell and so did the grip in his hand

Me and jimin fought to the death I won of course slashing his throat the audience was loving it and I was proud that they loved what I co wrote

I was just about to commit suicide when taehyung jumped up and grabbed my hand stopping me from doing so

Now it was time for him to kiss me but when he leaned in I hugged him so he wouldn't have to

The crowd cheered loudly yelling encore we did our bows then walked off the stage

Now was really the right time for me to actually say what I wanted

"Hey jungkook what was it you wanted to say before the play?"

"I um shit I damn it I" He looked at me confused I was just too nervous to say it

So I just kissed him

Actions speak louder than words right?

After I confessed to him that was it no more hellos or how are yous

No more him granting me the presence of his face or addicting voice

he never spoke to me again

I even watched him graduate I was so proud to see him achieve what he always wanted

But he still didn't speak to me

Maybe it was for the best

After all taehyung just played his part as did i

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