Just A Kiss (F)

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"Are you fucking kidding me!" Taehyung said loudly he was more than just pissed

"You guys must be crazy I'm not kissing no one especially not a guy and I don't like guys"

"Come on man you lost the bet so you have to do it unless you want to kiss the lunch lady and you know which one I'm talking about the one with the weird cold sore on her lips I heard it has puss oozing out of it" Taehyung made gaggaing noises repulsed that Jimin would ever suggest that the rest just laughed at him

Sometimes he wondered why he was even friends with any of these sick bastards" Ugh fine what did I have to do again? "

"Kiss the next guy that comes through those cafeteria doors and you have to do it romantically like in the movies when they declare their love" Taehyung was hoping and praying that the next kid that walked through that door was at least good looking

And he was

It was Jeon jungkook

The schools bully, the one boy that everyone feared even taehyung

"Oh man holy shit! I'm not kissing him hell no" Jimin was dying of laughter literally yoongi had to hand him his inhaler

"Alright I'll go call over mrs grace do you prefer with lipstick or without?" Hoseok asked him

"Alright alright! I'm going now" Taehyung got up and walked towards jungkook and with each step his heart rate would increase to the Point he could hear his heart ringing in his ears

He can't believe that he even agreed to do this

Mom after I die I hope and pray that you don't go though my search history and baekhyun I'm counting on you to delete everything

"J-jungkook" He tried to say confidently but he couldn't the taller boy turned to look at him scowl evident on his face

"What is it kim I don't have time for this" Jungkook said harshly which was no surprise since he's always a asshole 24/7

Taehyung just went for it getting uncomfortably close one of his hands caressed his face softly before he grabbed a hold of his face "I'm so sorry" Was the last thing he said before their lips connected

And surprisingly jungkook didn't push him away taehyung pulled him close holding onto his little waist at first it was supposed to be a romantic but that changed in a matter of seconds when he put his tongue into the younger boys mouth and god never has he ever tasted something so delicious

This wasn't like any kiss he's ever had before it was like explosives and fireworks going off in his mind his heart beat stopped and his body felt nothing but electric

Everyone in the cafeteria went silent some pulled out their phones to record this legendary moment once he pulled away he expected for jungkook to hit him maybe even break his neck

But all he saw was kookie in a daze his doe eyes were lidded, his spit slicked lips were a bit swollen from taehyung getting too into the kiss, and his cheeks were such a pretty shade of red

"So pretty" He said barely a whisper as they stared at each other

The bell rung reminding them that they had to go back to reality

Taehyung was the first to walk the other way scared that jungkook was going to beat him to a pulp when he came back to his senses

Jungkook stood there touching his mouth with the biggest smile on his lips wondering what happened

It was nothing but just a kiss

So why did he want more?

Taekook OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora