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Ok you guys are probably calling me lazy because of this special chapter but I swear this is the last one for today I just wanted you guys to read one of my favorite scenes from my book called You Don't See Me

Title: It's Time! (F)

Pairing: Jungkook x Taehyung



Its was finally nine months now and jungkook was due any minute but he hasn't had any contractions and his water didn't break yet he felt fine and energetic maybe the birth of the babies might be successful 

"Taehyung try this I made this for you and kookie" jin said they were both in the kitchen cooking namjoon was in the living room with jimin, jungkook and hoseok lisa couldn't make it because she was on a family trip with her parents and yoongi didn't want to come he said he had things to do 

Everyone was happy well except for jimin him and yoongi were having problems and it was clear to see he hasn't been his smiley giggly self for a while but he tries to keep his head held high for jungkook because he needs him at a time like this

Taehyung tried the pasta and moaned at the taste it was perfect the flavors made his body melt into his seat jin was a master when it came to cooking "hyung you should open your own restaurant because your cooking is unreal!!" jin chuckled and continued cooking Taehyung's right maybe he will make a living out of cooking some day

Hoseok was distracted with his phone hoping to get a text maybe even a call from his girlfriend she hasn't answered his text or calls and it was really bothering him "hobi she's with the family don't worry just give her time to text you back" Namjoon said to him he's right she probably powered it off

Jimin stood up from the couch and walked outside into the back yard staring at the sky it was so pretty today the pink and bluish hues made him feel at ease what was he doing? He feels that if he stays with yoongi he might loose himself what happened to the love they shared? Maybe it was never there

"You wanna talk about it" he heard from behind him it was hoseok the only person that really understood him and made him feel like he could just be the jimin he's always been

"Do we really have to talk its not like you don't know that me and yoongi is having problems" jimin sat on the grass playing with his sleeves tears started to fall down his face

Hoseok sat next to him and pulled him into a loving embrace seeing his friend like this made him sad and angry "you know you should be treasured like the diamond you are because your special minnie don't ever forget that" the crying boy started to chuckle then wiped his tears hoseok always knew what to say to make him feel better

As the two sat there staring into each other eyes they didn't notice that they were slowly leaning in

Jungkook was sitting on the couch when he felt his pants get all wet but he knew it wasn't pee "oh my god kookie again next time use the bathroom and don't hold it in"

"Hyung this isn't pee!" namjoon started to panic he then got up and ran to the kitchen "Taehyung! Kookies water broke we need to go to a hospital now!"

Now it was Taehyung's turn to get up he ran upstairs and grabbed the diaper bag and the other bag that was filled with clothes for jungkook jin ran to the backyard to get jimin and hoseok "Boys your brother is- oh what's going on here"

Hoseok pulled away fast and looked up at jin jimin was as red as a tomato" nothing now what happened?"

"Kookies water broke the babies are coming right now! Get your asses up and get in the car" they both got up and ran to the car jungkook was already in the backseat with taehyung doing the breathing exercises they practiced namjoon was in the front so was jin, jimin and hoseok were in the back helping Taehyung with jungkook

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