"Get up Bitch!" Amelia came storming into the room and grabbed Angeline, ripping her off the bed. Angeline had no idea what was happening, her only thought was to yell out to Derek for help. But as Amelia dragged her down the stairs, Angeline saw Derek just standing there. 

    She assumed they were in the living room, Derek hadn't let her out of the room, not even to eat. He would come up, give her food, collect the old dishes and leave. She had been locked in that room for four days. Every time he entered the room she tried to talk with him, but he would just ignore her. 

    Now Amelia was here, only adding to her confusion. 

    Amelia walked through the room, towards the dining table. She pulled out a chair and slammed Angeline into it, making her face scrunch in pain. "Oh, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" So much anger dripped from Amelia's mouth. Angeline attempted to look around the place she had been held captive, and was only met with a murderous look from Derek. 

    Derek made his way over to the two women, Angeline wasn't sure what he was planning to do but the look in his eyes would give Angeline nightmares for the rest of her life. 


   The sound ricocheted throughout the room. Angeline couldn't believe it, her heart was racing so fast. She needed to calm herself down before she passed out from the wave of emotions that were swimming around her body. 

   Amelia was laying on the ground, a red patch clearly visible on her cheek already. Angeline had felt horrible for the woman, no woman should be treated that way. Not even someone like Amelia. 

   "What the fuck are you looking at?" Amelia spat at Angeline. She lowered her gaze and stared at her hands that were laying on her lap. 

   Derek had bent down next to Amelia, grabbing a handful of her hair, "You watch how you speak to her, and if you ever touch her again I will not hesitate to kill you myself. Family or not, I will not tolerate your behavior in our house. You show her some respect!"

    'Family? Derek was related to Amelia?' Angeline's head was over flowing with questions. And why did he say OUR house? 

    When Derek finally released Amelia he stood in front of Angeline, tilting her chin up so she looked up to him. "Are you okay?" Angeline just nodded her head, fearing if she spoke that he would continue his wrath upon her. 

   Derek walked away, Angeline heard him open and close the refrigerator. A bottle of water was placed in her hands. She looked up at Derek who was now looking a little more calm. "Drink," was all he said before sitting in another chair around the kitchen table. 

    "So sweet! Makes me want to just vomit," Amelia spoke as she pealed herself off the floor. "How is the happy couple enjoying their new home?" Angeline looked at her, her brows scrunched in confusion as she looked at her. She slowly turned to look at Derek who was smiling.

    All Angeline could think was, 'What did I miss? Couple? New home?' Something was definitely not adding up. Amelia chuckled at the expression on Angeline's face. "Priceless! I'm guessing you haven't told her then," Amelia spoke while turning to look at Derek. He narrowed his eyes at her and shook his head.

    "Please let me have the honor of informing her," Amelia begged while cupping Angeline's cheek. Most would think it was a sweet gesture, but only Angeline could see the look in her eyes. A shiver ran down her spine as Amelia stroked Angeline's cheek with her thumb. 

    Both women heard a sigh come from Derek followed by, "Fine."

    Amelia pulled a chair so she was sitting directly in front of Angeline, she didn't want to miss a single expression as she told the story of how they were all connected.

    Angeline couldn't believe her ears, her head was spinning with all the new information that was given. Amelia looked like she had just received the greatest gift, her face looked like it was going to crack with how big her smile was. 

    She was trying to maintain all the information in her head. Derek and Amelia are cousins. He had been the one to introduced Alex to her, thinking she would occupy Alex's time so Derek could get more time with Angeline. But Derek was unaware of Alex's feelings for Angeline. So when Alex ended things with Amelia, Derek hadn't expected Amelia to go all psycho on Angeline.  Derek managed to calm the situation at the bonfire but the damage had already been done. Angeline had left town. 

    She never would've guessed that Derek was following her from place to place. She felt so violated, her skin was crawling with disgust at that bit of news. Derek was obsessed with her, while Amelia was obsessed with Alex. They didn't explain what was to happen to Alex, but she guessed that with Angeline out of the picture that Amelia would show him what he had been missing. That thought made Angeline cringe, she would never let that lunatic be with Alex if it was the last thing she did. 

    Both of them were completely mental, if they thought this was going to end the way they wanted. Derek seemed more than pleased when Amelia mentioned his plans to be with Angeline. He wanted her to be his, forever. He had bought the cabin that they were in as a gift to her. He wanted them to live the rest of their lives there. He wanted to marry her and for her to bear his children.  

    Angeline struggled with the thought of being intimate with Derek, she almost threw up when that image flashed in her mind. 

     Before Amelia said any more and before Angeline could ask a question, Amelia was crouched next her. Their cheeks pressed together, and Amelia's phone was in front of them. The screen indicating that Amelia was going to take a selfie. Or like fifty.

    Immediately after Amelia found the best one of her, she didn't give a rat's ass what Angeline looked like, she sent the photo in a text. A huge smile plastered on her face. 

    "What the hell did you just do?" Derek boomed from across the kitchen. He grabbed her hand and snatched the phone with his other hand. He looked at who the photo was sent to. He threw the phone across the room, it smashing to pieces as soon as it collided with the wall. "Why the fuck did you send that to him?" Derek's voice growing louder than before, Amelia's eyes widening as he grabbed her by the throat. She was trying to pry his hands away so she could release the pressure and allow oxygen to make it to her lungs once again. 

    Angeline didn't know what was happening, who did Amelia send the picture to? She could see Amelia struggling, but it wasn't until she stood from the seat and moved closer that she saw Derek strangling his cousin. 


     Beep, Beep, Beep! Alex pulled the phone out of his pocket after he heard it go off. He was hoping it was more news from John, but instead it was something he didn't expect. 

    It was a text from Amelia containing a picture of her and Angeline. Along with a message that read... "Look at the beautiful bride to be."   

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