Chapter 11

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     Four days, it had been four days since Alex had seen her. Four days without seeing her amazing smile and hearing her angelic voice. He was going crazy not knowing where she was. 

    They had all been released from the hospital the day before and Alex was itching to find her. He needed to know she was safe, he needed her in his arms. 

    John had informed him that they hadn't heard anything from Amelia, there had been no trace of her since the morning of the accident. Alex knew she had to be working with Derek. He had told John to check into him and find out anything he could. 

     Derek had to have been the one that broke in and left the note. But he didn't think Derek wanted her dead, that may have been a ploy to keep their attention on Amelia. 

    The police had also informed them that someone had messed with both vehicles, which had led to their accidents. Alex had already come to that conclusion and was positive that Derek was responsible for that as well. Derek may have even been following them waiting for the moment when all hell broke loose. Waiting to take her away. 

    Alex had been lost in his thoughts of Angeline and where she could possibly be when his phone started ringing. Alex pulled it from his pocket, looking at the caller id before answering. "John, what do you have?" 

    Alex could hear him let out a big sigh before responding. "Not much Alex, but I do have some information for you. It seems for the past 10 years both Derek and Amelia have been playing it very safe. I have a team going to check out Derek's current house. Alex, he only lives 45 minutes from her. I think he's been planning this for a long time. Every time she's moved, he's moved. He was never to far, but made sure he wasn't to close either. I'm sending over what I've found so far and I'll call you if my team finds anything at his house. We will find her, I promise."

    "Thanks John, I'll take a look at what you have. I always thought there was something off about him. Call me when you find more." Alex ended the call and noticed he had a new email, he checked and saw it was from John containing the information on Derek. 

    Alex had been looking through everything for about an hour when the guilt weighing on him became to much to handle. Throughout the years he would look Angeline up and find out what he could about her. It wasn't until his company started growing that he was able to afford a team to do the research for him. Alex always felt a little off about watching over her, but he just wanted to make sure she was safe. He had no idea that Derek had been doing the same, if not going a little to far as to actually move whenever she did. 

    What were Derek and Amelia up to? After the graduation bonfire Alex hadn't heard from Amelia. Derek informed him that he had taken her home and told her parents that she needed help, she needed to go to a clinic. All this time Alex thought that maybe she was locked up in some mental facility. But now maybe Derek had been the one to keep her in line and they had been planning this together. Derek the mastermind and Amelia his little helper. She would keep Alex distracted enough that he didn't notice Derek weasel his way in to Angeline's life. 

    He needed to find them before anything happened to Angeline. He was just hoping that he wasn't to late.


    Angeline woke up to screaming and yelling, possibly to the sound of something breaking. She could make out two voices, one being Derek's but the other was a mystery. She could tell it was coming from a woman, but what was the reason for them to argue this way? 

   She had barely sat up in the bed when she heard loud foot steps coming towards her door, and then next thing she knew it was thrown open. She couldn't believe who was standing in the doorway. Angeline froze, not knowing what to do.

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