Chapter Ten

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~ Failed Redemption ~

"I don't agree."

Masey brought his knees to his chest as his wings unraveled him. He sighed. Red rolled her sleeves and pant-legs up, revealing most of her eyes.

"Even if you disagree, I do believe that whatever is 'wrong' with you is what's 'wrong' with me. So you're not alone in this, Mase. You're not-"

"Why are you even helping me?"

He laughed nervously. His eyes darted around with paranoia.

"I'm just some security guard for this bunker place. Not your angelic happily ever after. I'm not the princess that's going to be saved. I... I'm an experiment. Not an angel."

"That's... that's not what I meant," Red whispered. "All I want to do is help you, Masey."

"You're lying," His right eye glowed white. "Please don't lie."

"What..? Your eye-" She said, but was cut off.

"Lie detector: I know you're using me. It's really rubbed off on you, hasn't it Red?"

Red shivered. She remembered some scientists saying that lie detectors are never wrong. Had she really been mindlessly been using him like a toy to assure herself she was okay?

"Use, use, use. I should've known earlier. Why would you tell the truth until now? Or did it respond too late..."

She looked down, and stood up. Masey's eyes immediately flashed to Red. He didn't blink once as he stared at her. Was Masey scanning her? Or was this some tactic to scare her off?

"I won't be the one you use as a self-therapist," He hissed as his wings crinkled with disgust. "If you want someone like that, chase after your daddy and do that. I'm not him. I won't be your prince."

"Masey, wait-!"

"This isn't a fairytale, Red! This is the real world! Just because you were kept in some fucking lab for a couple years, doesn't mean you're some chosen one to make everyone's lives better!"

He snatched his spear from the ground and swung it at Red. In instinct, she dove to the dirt and rolled away. Masey's eyes were locked on her, and he tried again: except this time he threw it.

Red tumbled to the ground as the glowing spear stuck itself in a bunch of barbed wires. She cried out as Masey seemed to be throwing millions of spears at her now. After not getting one hit, he stomped his foot and the ground and flew towards her, two spears in each hand. Red panicked and jumped out of the way before falling on her back. Masey constantly kept trying to stab her, but ended up stabbing the ground instead as Red rolled as fast as she could away from the attacker.

As she picked herself up and stumbled, she yelled "Masey, please! I want to help you! I know how you feel!"

"It's too late for that now!" He had finally cornered her, raising a spear the casted a shadow over her small body. "This is why I should never trust anyone."

Red squeezed all of her eyes shut: she genuinely did not want to hurt him! If he stabbed her, she would be fucked. She would probably end up killing him, and then he would be the one calling her the monster she was. What if Dad and that Will guy got involved? What if the government got involved? What if they had to shut the whole thing down? What if-


Masey toppled to the ground. He wasn't dead though. His spear impaled his hand as someone had shot him in the wings. Red gasped: Will stood a few feet away from the scene, holding a pistol in his hands.

"Red! You okay kiddo?" Will called out from afar.

"U-uh, um, yeah! I think!" Red replied with panic. "But I don't think Masey's alright!"

"Goddammit!" Masey shouted. He turned around. "You! How did you get out here?! Only I can open the doors with the codes-"

"Do ya think I'm stupid or something?" William laughed. He pointed to the doors: a hole big enough for someone Will's size to crawl through was seen. "One of the guys heard some screaming and then we saw this incident! So we stole a sledgehammer and-"

"Okay, whatever!" He grabbed his spear and ripped it out of his hand, which bled all over the grass. He glared at Red and stood up with a limp. "You didn't really kill me though, did ya? You-"

"Blah, blah, blah," William mocked him, chuckling afterwards. "Yeah, 'Mom', I don't want a lecture please. I only wanted to tell you a story!"

"Oh, shut up, you!" He yelled, throwing the spear with great force. "How about you go back home with a spear to the head?"

William choked as the weapon punctured his arm. He bit his lip and decided to leave it in there so he wouldn't bleed out. Masey crossed his arms with a smirk on his face. Will rolled his eyes.

"Okay, you won that first round. How about we go for a second? Except it's three against one: Eddie, Red, and myself! Do you have any teammates you want to join this round?"

"No! I'll do this myself!" Masey said, summoning a single spear. "And you know what? I won't play this round! You and Mr. Eddie over there can play your own game! I have to win my other game first..."

Red gulped as Masey turned to her.

"H-hey, all I wanted to do was help and comfort you, okay?" She squeaked. No matter how much he wanted to kill or hurt her, she wouldn't let it happen. She couldn't risk killing anyone. "Also sure, maybe I 'used' you, but didn't it make you feel wanted when I did that?"

Masey gasped. "How can you be so narcissistic?" He slammed her tiny body against the ground. Red choked black blood. "It doesn't matter if it makes me feel good or not! It's all fake anyway!"

"Strange... you seemed genuinely upset," Red mumbled. "Tears, blood - how does it go again?"

Masey raised an eyebrow. Red stared emotionlessly at his yellow eyes.

"Oh right," She said. Suddenly, she kicked him in the arm and yelled "Blood, sweat, and tears! That's all what'd be left of you if you stab me with that spear!"

"Oh really?" He replied with a smile. Masey brushed back his blonde hair and aimed the spear at Red's head.

Will threw his hands over his mouth. Mr. Henderson had appeared beside him, a look of fear in his eyes.

"Red, NO!" Henderson shouted. "He'll kill you! We can't risk-"

"Dad, I'll be fine!" Red answered. She glanced a glare at Masey for a moment. Then her eyes snapped back to Henderson and Will. "I promise!"

"No! You won't keep that promise! You know you won't!" Mr. Henderson yelled, now sounding more angry than worried.

"What does it matter?" Red asked. She knew what she was going to do. She just didn't know the possible outcomes of her actions. "You got to trust me. I-I-"

"I love you, Red!" Mr. Henderson cried. Will stared at him with shock. "I am sorry for everything I've done to you! Now please, come to me! We can fight hi-"

"You hurt him too!" Red roared. "I don't get it! Why do you care about me so much? I may not be like the rest of them, but that doesn't mean I'm better! I'm just as destructive as him! Even more destructive if you let me loose!"

"No, you're not!" He said, taking a step forward to strengthen his point. "You're not like him! Sure he's an angel, but he's actually a monster!"

"If that's true, I'm a monster as well!" Red began to cry. She hated the feeling so much. As she got deeper and deeper into the argument, the entire world seemed to spin around her. Her Dad killed five people. Will probably did something horrible in his past: who hasn't? Masey was trying to kill her and was damaged like her.

So what was her role in this story?

Cherish Red  ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang