Chapter 10

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=====Previously, on 'Over the Hill and Beyond'=====

" I need to get some rest. Please forgive me, but our talk will have to continue tomorrow, or this evening, perhaps... Please do forgive my brashness,"

"It's alright, we'll speak later. Do get some rest,"


They left, and I got up and closed the door, and climbed back into the bed pulling her closer to me.

"Mi? Wa'ss goin' on? Wa'ss with th' noise?"

"It's nothing, love. C'mere, Rina, let's go back to sleep,"

"Aight th'n"

I fell asleep arms around her as if to protect her from anything...

=====And Now...=====

[Change of P.O.V.: Sabrina's P.O.V.]


I cuddled closer to Ami, who was sitting beside me, reading a book.

"You're awake? How did you sleep?"

"Like shit..."

"Hey now, watch your language,"

"Mm, sorry,"

"It's fine, Rina,"

She ruffled my now down dark brown hair as I smacked her hand.


I whined as she chuckled.

"You were screaming again... What happened..?"


I looked over to her as I rubbed my eye.

"Was I? Hn,"

She just smiled and sat her book down and turned to me, rubbing her eyes, just now noticing she took off her contacts.

Which reminds me...

"Did I?"

"Don't worry, you took them off,"

"Okay then,"

Our conversation was cut short by a knock on the door, and Ami replied,

"You may enter,"

"Ahh, Lady Ami, Lady Sabrina, your awake, I came to inform you that the young master would like to dine with him,"

I smiled and removed the covers, my cosplay still on.

"Alright, give us a minute, okay? "

"Of course, I shall wait and accompany you to the dining hall,"


He left the room and we got up, and I decided to change my outfit, grabbing the spare in my bag and carefully taking off and folding it, throwing on my other outfit, which consists of a long knee-length, dark blue nightshirt, and leggings, keeping the boots on as I glanced to Ami, who was waiting by the door.

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