Meeting the Gucci Gang plus a Concert *Edited*

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<<< Previously named "Meeting Ciel Phantomhive">>>
 <<< Previously on Over the Hill and Beyond>>> 

(ME)"Yo! You've reached Johnny's Thot Replacement Hotline, were we help to replace the thot in your life causing you trouble! How may we be of assistance~?"

(AMI) "Rina! Where are you?!?"

(ME) "Um, funny story. I, um, I 'm in the Phantomhive manor. Hehe"

(AMI) "WHAT? How is that possible!?!"

(ME) "I really don't know Nee-chan."

(ME) " I have to go now, I'll talk later. Sayonara, Nee-chan."


I sigh, taking out my earbuds and put on 1-800 (The song above), turning the volume up to full blast. 'I need music right now.'  *sigh*.

                                   <<<Meanwhile, outside of music land>>>       

<<<3rd person p.o.v.>>>

"Sebastian! Who is he!?! And why is he dressed like the Undertaker?"

A short navy haired boy yelled to the butler. Said butler glanced back to the teen in question, who had taken a seat against a wall near a window and curled up in a ball as they covered their ears. Sebastian's ruby eyes turned back to his master, who was waiting for an answer.

"Young Master, I found her in the forest. I accidentally mistook her for the Undertaker."   

The said girl started to sing after his answer, seemingly not meaning to. The softness of her voice had everyone had been on edge bout to begin with begin to calm slightly. They paused in their conversations as they listened to her words intently.

"I've been on the low,
I been taking my time~
I feel like I'm out of my mind,
It feel like my life ain't mine-
Who can relate?"

The gazes of the others in the room were seemingly fixed on her, amazed at how her voice carried through the empty room.

"I've been on the low,
I been taking my time~
I feel like I'm out of my mind,
It feel like my life ain't mine...

I don't wanna be alive,
I don't wanna be alive,
I just wanna die today...
I just wanna die...
I don't wanna be alive,
I don't wanna be alive,
I just wanna die..."

Everyone's eyes widened at what the girl was saying, tears welling in the servents' eyes as they stared on in shock and amazement.

"Mister Sebastian?! What's she talking about?!"

"I'm afraid I have no clue, Finnian,"

"And let me tell you why...

All these other shit I'm talkin' 'bout,
They think they know it..."

The girl curled further into herself, as if to shield herself from the world and the many dangers of this beautiful cruel world. No one spoke for a few minutes, seemingly in a trance save for one.

"I've been praying for somebody to save me, no one's heroic... And my life don't even matter, I know it, I know it,"

The butler's eyes glowed a faint ruby red as he stared at the young girl, taking in the tears wellign in her eyes as she shifted ever so slightly, her striking green eyes unfocused and staring into space as she moved her mouth in a way that hid her teeth from view. 

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