4 - Witch? More like Bitch

Start from the beginning

Minseok would also think of said ex-lover, he who should not be named. Luhan was a dick, in Kibum's opinion, and knew Minseok deserved better, even though they were unfortunately mates. The bond between them was getting weaker and weaker.

He was a really sentimental person, Kibum had realized, thinking of all the people he loved. His mother. Zitao. Taeyeon. The angel Gabrielle. Luhan. Junmyeon. Baekhyun. The realization that he was losing them one by one was slowly killing him.

One of Kibum's only flaws is that he couldn't see into the future, but he had a strong feeling that Minseok wasn't going to make it.

He responded to Jonghyun with a text (don't get killed! I'm heading back!) and got up, dusting the grass off his white pants. He noticed that he had accidently made a grass stain right below his knee, so he made it go away.

When he looked up, there, at the end of the clearing, was...

That bitch-

There, standing, was Zitao, an evil smirk on his face. Of course Kibum wouldn't have sensed him; they had the power to make themselves unnoticeable. Kibum had it on almost all the time, scaring the others in the stronghold from time to time. However, how did Zitao know he was here?

"Fancy meeting you here," Zitao said, sending him a wave. "Wonder what you're doing here all alone?"

"Don't builshit with me and get to the point," Kibum said in his normal voice. He didn't need to yell, he knew that him and Zitao could hear stuff from miles away. "Why are you here?"

Zitao maintained his smile. "No reason. I just wonder why you hang out with those lazy assholes."

"See, maybe if you weren't so coldhearted and knew what love is, you would understand my attachment to a certain someone," Kibum argued, fake smile displayed on his own face. Two can play at that game. "Oh, wait, you don't, that's probably why Sehun never really liked you in the first place-"

"Shut up, whore!" Zitao yelled, sending a lightning strike to Kibum, which he was able to block.

"Nah, I don't think I will." Kibum took a quick look behind him, the direction to where the stronghold was. He had to let Jonghyun know who was here.

"You act like you are capable of love, but remind me who locked themselves away for centuries up in that little forest with a big house, like the materialistic bitch you are?" Zitao argued back.

"Oh, please, I'm not the one with ex-boyfriend problems-"

Zitao charged towards him, and instead of running away like the coward he was, Kibum charged towards him, the two almost instantly crushing into each other.

What was the point of fighting each other with magic if they had the same abilities? That left only one thing, and it was hand-to-hand combat.

Kibum had to admit, through all his years of living on this deteriorating Earth, he rarely participated in hand-to-hand combat. Why? Because he didn't have to, plain simple. He didn't get involved with humans and didn't plan to for the rest of his life.

A punch here, a kick there, the two continued to injure each other, the thought of using their magic overshadowed by their pure rage.

Kibum felt something wet on his lip from where Zitao had socked him in the jaw, realizing that it must be blood, blood that for years he even forgot he had, so he pulled Zitao's hair and grabbed him into a chokehold position, the latter struggling before managing to grab Kibum's arm and twist it backwards.

The two continued like that, one grabbing a hold of the other before they were able to reciprocate. Kibum could feel the scratches on his arms, the bruises on his legs but couldn't seem to give a fuck as he was more focused on destroying the person in front of him.

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