Tell Me It's My Fault

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I watched Maria quickly walk across the room and hug me. Lucas stood to the sidelines, awkwardly, before walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, "I'm so fucking sorry." Her breath tickled my neck, and her hair smelled of Honey and Roses.

"It's okay, Maria. It's okay." I choke on my words, I thought I'd never see her again, or talk to her because it seemed she didn't want anything to do with me.

"What happened? I called your phone like a hundred times, and it went straight to voice mail, then I decided to call Lu-" I cut her off, and smiled slightly at how she was rambling. She always did that when she was nervous, or scared.

"Maria." I take a deep breath. "I- I, uh, I..." I didn't know how to tell the person I've known my whole life that I was probably gonna die, or that I had a serious disease. How could I hurt her again, I just got her back! I brushed my hair out of my eyes, and looked at her. Her skin was tanned, and her make up was flawless. Her dark, brown hair was pulled in a rushed ponytail, and her caramel eyes searched my face for answers.

"It's okay, Eliza. Spit it out." She whispered in a worried voice.

"Mar... I have cancer. A tumor in my brain, the size of a baseball..." A tear slipped down my cheek, "I might die." I covered my face in my hands, and listened to the gasp as Maria collapsed at my side on the bed, and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my god, Ellie!" I felt her tears splattering on the crown of my head. I didn't have enough courage to look at her in the eye, so I kept my face covered. I couldn't stand to see how much pain I'm causing her now.

"I'm scared. I'm so fucking scared. How did no one notice it till now?" I sobbed into her arms, and felt somewhat safer to be in the arms of my best friend when I needed her most.

"Ellie, you'll be okay, the doctors will fix it. God wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't take my best friend away when I just got her back. Don't be scared... You'll be- You'll be okay." She rambled, trying to reassure me, but it seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than me. She pulled away, and looked at my face, and wiped my tears away with her thumbs.

"I won't let anything happen to you."

                                        *                                        *                                        *

Lucas' P.O.V

I sat in the rough waiting room chair, and covered my eyes with my hand. How could something like this happen? Why does God continue to punish her for nothing? I've never been the crying type, but today that's all I've been doing. I love her so much. I lost her once before, and now I might lose her again. It's all my fucking fault! I lead her down this path! I cheated on her with that slut, and its my fault. Teardrops slipped down the side of my nose, and dripped to the floor, and the scent of antiseptics filled the air.

                                      *                                                *                                        *

Maria's P.O.V

I hugged Elizabeth, and let her cry into my shoulder. That's exactly what I wanted to do right now; Cry. How could I have been so selfish to let this happen to her. I should have stayed by her side when she was obviously screaming for help, but instead I ditched her, and walked away when she needed me. What kind of best friend was I? I've known Ellie since I was a baby, and our parents sat us in the same play pin. I knew how much Luke had hurt her, and I understood the pain of heartbreak, and what it could do to a person. But yet I still watched as she threw everything shes ever loved or held dear right out the window. This is all my fault. If only I had stayed by her side, then maybe none of this would have happened. Please God, don't let this be real.

                                        *                                                    *                                       *

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. This seems so clich'e. Like I'm in a movie, and I'm the main actor. Maybe if I didn't act like a moron, and stuck up bitch then i wouldn't have ended up where I am now. It doesn't seem real. This is all my fault, I ditched everybody, I chose self destruction over self improvement. And now I'm hurting everybody around me all over again, except this time I don't have the choice.


Hey, so this is the end of this story, i know it was short, but I decided to split it in two, because the title is "Falling For you... Again" and they've already pretty much did. So, there's gonna be a sequel about the struggle through Elizabeth's treatments, and what she goes through, physically, and emotionally. I'll probably upload it after I get a few chapters done, and then I'll go from there. It'll be up, most likely, by the end of january.


The sequel is called Remember Me, and it be up on April 20th. Also, a sorta sneak peek thing is up on my profile, so if you want to check that out, feel free.

Also, I finished my other story Too Far Gone in the Wrong Direction a couple months ago, so if you want to check that out also, it'd be awesome.

I'm gonna be uploading another story called The Mist around March.


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