Little ol' rebel

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"Woah." Luke looked at me, astonished. Then he gave me a small, knowing smirk. "So... I guess you considered taking me back?"

I shook my head, "not exactly. You're gonna have to work for it. Yes, you call me your girlfriend. No, you cannot expect me to fully trust you yet." I shook my head slightly. "I have no idea what you've done to me, boy, but I do know that I love you. Always have, always will." A smile blossomed his face, making him look ten times better than he did before. I like happy, cocky Luke, I do not like sad, depressed Luke.

Hopping into the passenger side of Luke's car, a hum started in my head. Not a hum that drives you crazy because your thoughts are racing, and you don't know what to do. No, it's not that hum. It's the hum of love. After all this time, I finally know that with all my heart, I'm truly in love with Luke Hensworth. And as of right now, I didn't really care about what anybody says about my decision, because I love him, and when you love somebody it shouldn't matter what anybody else thinks, all that matters is what your partner thinks.

"So what happened that you had ask me to come pick you up?" He grins slightly to himself. "...again." He knows he's got me wrapped around his finger. He just knows.

"Well," I cleared my throat, " my mother ignored my attempt at reaching out to her. She practically hates me now, because of before ad stuff." I shrugged looking out the window.

"I doubt she hates you. C'mon, Ellie, be rational. She loves you, she just doesn't know how to comprehend the change her daughter went through." He kept his eyes on the road as we drove. I shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess. But she literally acts like she doesn't want me around her at all. Like every part of me brings embarrassment to her, or something." I hugged my sweatshirt closer to my body, afraid that if I let go everything around me will fall apart again. And then I'll be alone

"I think your just paranoid. Give her a few days with amazing daughter Elizabeth, and not Rebellious Elizabeth. Then she'll figure it out, I promise. Your parents always loved you. Your their only child, remember?" I nod, I don't believe that my parents completely hate me I just think that they'd rather not have me around to create difficulties. I don't want to be a burden.

"So-, where do you plan on taking me?" I ask, changing the subject not wanting to speak of it anymore. He smiles turning his head to me for a quick moment.

"Oh, you'll see."

Falling for You... AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora