A Mess it Grows

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My eyes felt heavy, so so h 





Everything felt fake, blurry edges, and sharp thoughts.

        "Ellieeeeeeeeeeeee?" The voice seemed to drag on forever. I looked around, and the room was spinning, sharp pains pulsed through out my skull. What was going on? Am I on something? What drugs did I take? A face came into focus.

"Lucas? What's going on?" I attempted to say, but it felt like a whisper, I'm not even entirely sure it came out at all.

"Mom! Come here! Quick! Something's  wrong with Eliza!" My stomach felt queasy, I tried hard to hol back the vomit. I puked all over the floor. And puked, and puked.

"I'm sorry..." I wiped my mouth, and closed my eyes. My hearing seemed to turn off, and I opened my eyes, only for them to close again, against my will.

****Lucus' P.O.V****

She laid beside the puddle of liquid-vomit. She wasn't awake anymore.

"Mom! Hurry, she needs to get to the hospital!" I screamed, I could hear her running down the stairs. I pick her up, and carry her up the stairs, and out the door, and into the car. My mom followed, a worried look on her face.

"What happened?" She asked, starting the car.

"I don't know, she just woke up and started freaking out, she kept mumbling, and then she fell and started vomiting, then she just passed out. I don't know what the fuck happened, mom!" I ran my hands through my hair, anxiously.

"Watch your mouth." She said quietly. I look at her like she was crazy.

"Are you serious right now? The girl I love is in the backseat, and could possibly be dying, and all your worried about is my bad language?" She shook her,

"Calm down, I'm sure shes fine. Just calm down."

I stared out the window, watching as the trees raced by. I felt a tear run down the side of my cheek, and quickly wiped it away.

                                                          *                  *                *

The doctor came back after an hour or so of waiting. My mom was beginning to get impatient. Elizabeth's parents got her about a half hour ago, and having been nervously biting their finger nails, and chatting silently. "Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Swarthen, may I speak with you for a second?" They nodded, and got up, and followed the doctor to the other side of the room.

I couldn't hear what he was saying obviously, but by the way Eliza's mom buried her head in her husbands chest, I knew it wasn't a good report. The doctor nodded at something Ellie's dad said, and then walked away. I stood up and walked up to the doctor before he could leave,

"Uh, doctor? When can she have visitors?" I nervously crack my knuckles, a habit I developed at a young age.

"Well she's sleeping now, but I suppose you guys can visit her, but only 2 visitors at a time." I nod, and look at her parents. They nod, and walk past me into the room their daughter's being held in. I would've went, but her parents deserve to go first.

It was probably a good hour or so after Eliza's parents went into the room, my mom had said she needed to go back home to sleep, and they haven't come out yet. I sighed, and got up to go to get a Snicker's from the vending machine across the hall. My phone rang in my pocket, I picked my snack up, and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked, taking a bite of my bar.

"Hey, Luke, can you tell Elizabeth to give me a call? She hasn't called me back yet."

"Maria, Elizabeth is in the hospital." I spoke softly, not wanting to believe it myself. There was a long silence,

"What happened?" She asked quietly.

"I don't know she freaked out, and now we're here. We've been here for a few hours. The doctor didn't tell me what was going on." I threw my wrapper away, and sat back in the uncomfortable, plastic chair. Suddenly, Eliza's mom and dad walked through the door.

"Maria, I've got to go."

"Wait! What room, and floor is she on?"

"204, the 2nd floor." I say absentmindedly, and hung up, shoving my iPhone back into my pocket.

"She's awake. " Her mother said, wiping a stray tear from her face. I nod, and walked down the hall, and into the hospital room. Elizabeth sat on the bed, IV needles stuck in her arm, and bags under her beautiful blue-green eyes. Hey mascara was smeared, and her eyelashes were still wet, as if she's been crying for an eternity.

"Elizabeth." I speak weakly, my voice cracking slightly. I slowly walk to the side of the hospital bed, and hug her tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay." She remains emotionless in my arms, and then she begins to sob into my neck.

"I'm not okay, Luke. I'm not." I pull away and look into her eyes.

"You know I love you, right?" I weakly asked, "At home, I thought I was gonna lose you, I was so scared. I couldn't stand losing you again." Tears stream down her face, her eyes red and puffy.

"Lucas..." She took a deep breath, " I have cancer." 

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