Chapter 4

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I woke up and found my arms were cleaned and bandaged. The events of last night made me smile as I realized where I was. I was finally safe with the man I truly loved. Just then I heard something that made my heart and soul soar. Music. His music. It was hypnotic and I was drawn to it. "Just like old times.." I thought as I got up. I winced a bit at the pain from all the damage, but the music quickly help me forget. I opened the door to my room and found my angel at his piano, consumed in his music.

He heard me walking to him so he turned and smiled. "Good morning angel," he said with a bright smile that made my heart skip a beat. "how are you feeling?" He said looking me over with a flicker of concern in his golden eyes.

"I'm better now that I'm with you" I said, meaning every word.


Once she said that my heart stopped. how she could love a monster I do not know. But she was here. That's all that mattered. I had abandoned her and the world was cruel to her. This angel. My angel. He wouldn't let what the world did to him happen to her. "Over my dead body" he thought

Returning my attention to her I smiled warmly at what she said. "how did I ever get so lucky?" I whispered

"I've been asking myself that question since the moment you saved me." she said with so much adoration in her eyes. I couldn't stand it any longer. There was something I've been wanting to do since the last night I saw her. I stood so that we were only about a foot apart. She looked up at me with her beautiful shining eyes, full of adoration.

"My angel, I whispered caressing her check, "I love you." and with that I closed the space between us and locked our lips. She wasn't even surprised. Just the feel of her soft lips on mine sent chills down my spine. She broke away just enough to whisper "I love you my angel" before she crashed her lips against mine again.

I finally broke away and smiled at my beautiful angel. She smiled back, sending my heart soaring. I couldn't believe this was real, this was really happening.

"Are hungry my dear?" I asked realizing it was early afternoon.

"A little, yes" was her timid reply.

I took her hand and lead her to the kitchen. I opened up the ice box and let her look inside. "anything look good to you?"

She smiled and pulled out some pastries. "These look good."

"Perfect, why don't you go sit and I'll warm these up, then we can talk." She smiled then glided out of the kitchen.

" How did I get so lucky"

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