chapter thirty-nine ♛

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last day of senior year

welcome back! i honestly didn't forget about this story & i'm still not quite sure how it's going to end but i'm gonna give it my best shot.
ty for your patience xoxo

aliyah cosentino-

i woke up this morning feeling nauseous. today is the last day of our senior year. i couldn't believe that it was really coming to an end.

i rolled over in my bed and saw two texts from alejandro.

alejandro ♡
ale- goodmorning babe!
ale- you nervous?
aliyah- goodmorning, yes. very.
ale- don't worry we'll be okay
ale- i'll be at your house in 5
aliyah- okay love you
ale- love you back

i waited the five minutes at my door step with kairi.

"i can't believe this is our last first day of school man." kairi said, leaning against the door.

we all decided to drive together, as a group to school today.

"i know" i put my head down.

we all had committed to colleges. leaving alejandro and i across the country from eachother. i'm going to california in the fall, and he's staying here.

"alejandro is here" kairi said.

i followed him out of our front door and saw alejandro smiling in the front seat. kairi got into the back seat and i got into the front.

"hey ale." kairi and alejandro did their little handshake.

"hey babe" alejandro smiled at me.

"goodmorning handsome" i returned the smile.

alejandro drove off to alvaros, and we all said hello to him as he got into the car. then mattias house, same thing with him.

"so we're done boys!!" mattia yelled, a little too loud.

"stop mattia you're going to make me cry" i said, pouting my lips.

alejandro placed his hand on my thigh. we were both clearly nervous about me leaving, but we don't talk about it.

we have all summer, but i don't know whats going to happen.

once we got to school we all got out of alejandros car and walked in.

we all walked to our first period, since we had gym together, and talked about random stuff.

i passed my, now empty, locker. i imagined me and alejandro standing at it. he was always there.

"coming to the game?" he asked, putting his hand on the locker behind me. ever since i was little, alejandro constantly flirted with me. sometimes i entertain it, sometimes i don't.

once we got to class, we passed the locker rooms as we walked into gym the doors.

i gave alejandro a little nudge and pointed to the locker room hallways and we both giggled.

"shut up lets go." i said and grabbed his hand, and walked into the boys soccer locker room, to the showers.

we all took a seat with the rest of our gym class on the bleachers. the teacher took one last attendance.

the only thing on my mind was what was going to happen to me and alejandro.

me, alejandro, kairi, and megan, kairis girlfriend, all walked into the gym of the school before graduation.

they gave us our caps and gowns in a line, most girls were crying, most of the boys were just ready to party. me and my group, we were just quiet.

for as long as i could remember, it was me and the boys. my crazy, sometimes awful, bestfriends.

we were all lined up to walk out, everything was happening so quickly, but i didn't have the urge to cry anymore.

they called me and kairi at the same time, we took photos and i gave him a huge hug.

"congratulations twin" kairi smiled at me as everyone flooded the school parking lot to take pictures.

"you too, uglier twin" i smiled and wiped my tear.

me and kairi walked together to my mom and took a picture with her. my dad didn't come, we haven't talked to him for awhile now. my sister is two now, i look at pictures of her on facebook all the time, but i never met her.

next, i found alejandro with his family

"congratulations babe" i snuck up behind him and gave him a hug.

"you too babe" he smiled and hugged me back.
710 words
chapter thirty nine ♛
sorry this is so short lol but i'm back hi

fuck buddies ; alejandro rosarioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora