chapter sixteen ♛

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listen to coaster by khalid for full effect.
i walked into alejandros back yard, through the gate. and went into the garage from the side door.

"hey" i smiled and sat in my chair.

coaster by khalid was playing through my ears. alejandro didn't say anything.

i focused on the song.

"maybe you weren't the one for me, but deep down i wanted you to be."

"all the things i did for you, just wasn't it for you"

"coasting, roller coasting, and i'm hoping that you'll come back to me."

"you don't deserve me."

my eyes immediately teard up, i knew the song. i made eye contact with alejandro as the song played out. he was tearing up. his face was flustered. i hated seeing him like this. especially because it's my fault.

"alejandro." i said and reached out for his hand. he took my hand and laced my fingers with his own.

the song soon finished and a random khalid song was playing. i wasn't focused on that anymore. i was focused on the boy that i broke in front of me.

"i. i-" alejandro started, but choked up and stopped.

"you what?" i said, tearing coming down.

"i wish we were never fuck buddies." he said and let out an innocent laugh between his soft crying.

"you regret it?"

"not all the fun. i don't regret staying up late with you because you couldn't sleep after a scary movie. i don't regret letting you beat me in call of duty every single time, just to see that smile. i don't regret sitting by your side, as much as i could while you were in the hospital. i don't regret any of it, i just wish it happened under different circumstances." he let it all out.

-flashback one-
"alex no. you can't fall asleep i'm gonna piss my pants" i said as i pushed alejandro to stay awake.

"baby girl i'm up." he laughed.

"i'm scared. that thing from that movie is definitely in here i can just SENSE it." i cringed.

"let's watch the lorax now, yeah?" alejandro said in a baby voice, laughing.

"okay" i jumped up and smiled as he put on the lorax.

i laced my legs around alejandros and he wrapped his arms around my waste as i watched the movie start.
flashback two

"I WIN! AGAIN! IN YOUR FACE!" i jumped up and smiled in alex's face.

"how are you so damn good at everything?" he smiled and pulled me closer to him.

"how does it feel to lose!" i smiled again before giving him a small kiss.
flashback three

"i brought your favorite!" i heard the familar voice, alejandros, walk into the room.

my mom was working late tonight, so she was in the hospital but she couldn't watch friends with me because she had to work.

"chicken nuggets?" a smile crept onto my face.

"all for you." he said and i moved over so he could lay in my bed. it was small and i was hooked up to monitors, but he always made it work for us.

he layed down next to me and handed me the chick fil a bag, and a lemonade.

"you're like literally the bestest" i said and reached into the bag.

"i mean i knowwww." he pretend to flip his hair.

he really was the bestest.
i jumped back to reality. my hand was still linked with alejandros.

"remember all the times we had to watch little kid cartoons." i let out a small laugh.

"yeah, i lowkey never minded watching them though." he said, whipping a tear with the hand that wasn't holding mine. his thumb was twirling around on the back of my hand.

"i know what you mean though." i nodded. he looked over at me.

"i wish it was under different circumstances too. but it wasn't. things aren't perfect and magical." i let the tears fall.

he pulled me up out of my chair and sat me down on his lap. i wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. we just sat there for a few minutes, crying. my heart felt broken, but somehow so whole at the same time.

"i'm sorry for pressuring you into being my girlfriend." he said, still hugging me tight.

"no. it's really my fault. i should've let you move on a long time ago. plus, she seems like she's cool." i said. oh fuck. i didn't mean to say that.

"who?" he said and pulled away from the hug.

"malina..." i said and looked down, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"malina??? are you joking. she's the weirdest motherfucker ever. i just tagged her to make you jealous. i'm sorry, it was immature and stupid. i know i have to let you go." he said and took his hands off me completely.

now it was awkward. i was just sitting there, on his lap. but i didn't ever wanna get up.

"alejandro, i don't want to let go. but you deserve to. you shouldn't have to wait around for me, till i'm ready." i said and looked up at him.

"i waited for you for two years, i can wait forever. just don't make it two more years, please" he said, trying to hide a smile.
chapter sixteen
889 words

fuck buddies ; alejandro rosarioحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن