chapter thirty eight ♛

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christmas eve !!aliyah-i was gathered around the tree with all the boys and my mom

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christmas eve !!
i was gathered around the tree with all the boys and my mom. my dad was in town, but kairi said he didn't want to see him, so i'm going to be on his side.

we had just given our secret santa presents to eachother. i had alvaro, i got him a soccer ball he had been wanting and a champion hoodie.

mattia had me, he got me a curling iron i had been talking about and a pair of earrings that were snakes.

right now, we were having a cookie decorating competition, my mom was the judge of course. i got disracted when my phone started ringing though, it was my dad.

"hold on guys i'll be right back." i smiled and walked to my room and slid the answer button.

"hello?" i said simply.

"aliyah! do you want to go to the mall, so i can get you some presents?" he said happily.

"dad i'm sorry i'm busy. gotta go." i said and ended the call. the whole situation was stressing me out the more i thought about it.

i made my way back to the kitchen.

"ICING BOMB!" all the boys yelled as they squirted me with all different colors of icing.

"STOP!" i yelled and laughed at the same time.

alejandro walked up and took some off of my cheek with his finger and ate it.

"you a dirty mother fucker." alvaro laughed at him.

"yeah like you didn't wet your panties when she gave you your gift." mattia laughed, causing him and alvaro to start wrestling on the floor.

"i need to take a shower now!" i groaned and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door, but jokingly.
after my shower i got ready for mattias christmas eve party that we all went to every year. i was currently putting my shoes on, next to alejandro.

"so are you excited for the party?" he asked me.

"yeah, i'm more excited for tomorrow though." i smiled at him, standing up so we could leave

"i have to get something from my house so let's stop there on the way?" he asked, getting up too.

"yeah no problem, it's on the way." i said, taking his hand and leaving.

"KAIRI!!" i yelled, banging on his door.

"COMING!" he yelled back, opening the door.

"ready guys?" my mom asked, grabbing her keys.

we all nodded and followed her to her car. i got into the back seat with alejandro.

"can we stop at alejandros? he has to get something." i asked as i put my seatbelt on.

"of course!" my mom said as she drove to his house.

once we got there, alejandro got out and ran into his house, he was about a minute, not even. he came back out with a couple of gift bags.

once he got back in we drove to mattias. my mom parked a little bit down the street, right behind the rosarios car.

we all got out and started walking towards to mattias door. my mom knocked before walking in.

"hey guys!!" mattia ran down the steps and hugged all of us.

"merry christmas!" mattias mom smiled and gave us all a hug.

"merry christmas mrs.polibio" i smiled and hugged her back.

after we ate, we made our way to mattias basement where the boys were playing video games and we were all just hanging out.

"babe, can we go outside for a minute?" alejandro asked me, grabbing a bag.

"yeah, sure." i smiled and we got up and walked up the stairs and to the back door.

"did you wanna talk about something?" i asked him, sitting down in a chair on the back porch.

"yeah, i know christmas isn't until tomorrow, but i wanted to give you this." he said, handing me the bag.

"alejandro." i smiled at him. i grabbed the card from the bag but he grabbed it.

"i know it usually goes card then gift, but we're doing it differently." he smiled, holding the card.

"okayyy." i let out a small laugh and took a small box out of the bag.

i opened the small pandora box, oh my god. it was the most gorgeous ring i had ever seen.

"alejandro." i smiled, putting on the ring, and getting up to hug him. he wrapped his arms around me and i felt the warmth he was giving off, that i very much needed in this weather.

"now open this." he said, pushing my shoulders down so i sat down again.

i opened the card and read it outloud.

"my promise to love, appreciate, and care. will you be my girlfriend?" i read outloud.

i looked up at him, he had that adorable smile on his face, the one he always has, the one i fell for.

"so?" he said, grabbing my hand to have me stand up.

"yes. for real this time." i smiled, tears were forming in my eyes, happy tears.

he pulled me into a hug and planted a soft kiss on my lips. then, coming from the basement window, were cheers and 'finally's from the boys.

"i love you." i smiled through a soft laugh and hugged him back.

"how'd you know my ring size?" i asked him as we walked back inside.

"what don't i know about you?" he laughed.

"thank you babe." i smiled, taking his hand.

what a perfect way to end the night, and the year, although that wasn't over yet.

after everything we had been through, most of that caused my own idiotic head issues, i was finally at peace. i was happy, and nothing could change that. i love alejandro.
chapter thirty eight
951 words
I AM SO SORRY. i am so sorry for not updating. i'm so sorry. i am really so sorry. i feel like an asshole :( i haven't had any sort of motivation i was kinda just done with it :(. but now i'm gonna post TWO more chapters of fuck buddies before it's gonna come to an end.

but i am going to post another alejandro story, if anybody is interested in that. thank you guys for your constant support and patience. ily all.

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