Let the holidays begin

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Sunday went by fast, both teenagers slept a lot and in the afternoon they did their homework together. There wasn't much to do and all of it took them just about two hours.

After that, they made dinner. It was mostly quiet, until Emem asked:"What happened to the Nokia?"

Maran shook their head and replied:"He snapped it."

Emem looked at them in disbelieve for a few moments. Then she asked:"And with that you mean what exactly?"

"He took it out of my pocket, held it up in front of my nose, said something and snapped it. With one bare hand."

"You're kidding right? A Nokia?", Emem asked again.

"Yes a Nokia, except we're both too dumb to see something else whilst directly staring at it."

"What the fuck is this guy?", the girl asked shocked.

Maran scoffed and replied:"I don't know, but wasn't there this Nokia add that not even Superman could break it?" As Emem nodded the kid continued:"Well then, he's very obviously stronger than Superman."

"That's not funny."

"Great because I wasn't joking."

"How are you so calm about this? As far as I'm concerned, the guy might be fucking levitating right outside my third-floor window to keep an eye on you!"

Maran smiled and said:"He seemed so sad when he talked about the kids. Also when he saw the plushies. I don't know, I want to try and help him." The kids voice was soft and warm. But deep down they were scared. They hadn't doubted for a second that he was going to kill them after he'd cut open their arm. But they also didn't lie, they really wanted to help him.

Emem laughed and replied:"You can't change anyone, sorry Royalty."

Maran nodded. "I know", they said, but at the same time weren't so sure of that.

After the friends had eaten, they did the dishes. Then Emem send Maran to sleep and left for her own room.

Maran changed into their pyjamas. It was 5 pm and they were tired. They cuddled into the sheets, holding both plushies tightly. They once again noticed the strange smell of the Springbunny. Usually toys lost the smell they carried in a day or two. But not this one, the smell was persistent. Maran couldn't quite put their finger in it, but they knew that smell.

The kid sighed and turned to face inside the room. As they opened their eyes to look at the dark room, they saw a purple shadow right in front of them. Maran tried hard not to scream in surprise, pressing both their hands onto their mouth.

"Interesting", William remarked at that reaction. He sat down on the floor, facing the shaking child.

"What's interesting?", they mumbled.

"Your reaction. I've never seen anyone prioritize another person's life over their own. Yet, that is exactly what you're doing"

Maran shook their head. "I don't want to die", they said,"but I also don't want my best friend to die. She deserves someone better anyways."

"No one else but you would die in her place."

"But if she died it wouldn't be fair. I somehow started this in the market, right?"

William seemed surprised and said:"You're a pretty smart toy. Any Ideas how?"

Maran looked over his first sentence and answered:"I'm figuring by either noticing you or greeting you."

The man started to play around with his knife. "You really are a smart toy. Probably the smartest one I've had until now.", he stated.

The kid wanted to disappear into the sheets. This situation was odd. And apparently, William seemed to think the same thing, or the complete opposite. He stood up.

"Get some rest you'll need your energy", he said and then turned around.

"Wait", Maran whispered. As the purple guy stopped in his tracks, they continued:"Please leave Emem alone. Whatever you want to do with her, you can do to me instead." The kids voice was a quiet plead.

William turned around. "Until later", he said and walked out of Marans sight.

The kid held their breath for a moment, then sat up. They knew that that was probably the dumbest thing to do if he still was here, but William was gone, even tho the kid didn't hear him leave. They waited in the dark for a few long minutes, ready to bolt up if they heard the slightest sound from their friends room. But nothing came for a long time and the kid was tired, so they laid back down.

Just a few hours later, their alarm sounded again. As Maran opened their eyes, they were almost certain that William was going to be standing there. They didn't see him and carefully stood up to get ready for work. It had been nice to actually sleep through the night from Saturday to Sunday, but Maran knew that they had a job to do. And they still hoped they could get William to be nicer.

The kid took a quick shower, then brushed their teeth and carefully slipped into clothes. The pants of their uniform were easy enough to manage with just one Hand. And Emem put out a lightly purple button-up shirt for Maran, so that they didn't have to move their arm too much whilst getting dressed. The polo shirt would have been a pain to put on.

Maran took the patch that said 'security guard' off the polo and put it on the button-up. That's when they noticed that William had about the same one on his shirt too, but his didn't say anything. It was just gold.

A few minutes later, the kid left the flat. Emem had put a small Mp3-Player next to their keys, with a note saying: Music might help.

Other than that, the kid took both plushies and the keys with them. Whilst walking down the street, the kid somehow managed to untangle the headphone cords and turn on the device.

They walked into the building as the first song started to play. The two had about the same taste in music, which was noticeable. The first few words of the lyrics sounded, and a big smile slid onto Marans face.

As they sat down in their office, the next song started to play. There wasn't any messages from the phone guy anymore, which probably meant that the kid somehow did a good job.

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