Night 4

12 1 0

When the alarm rang, Maran stood up feeling well rested. They went to shower and got dressed, Emem seemed to have fixed their pants.

As they left, they grabbed the Springbunny and saw a box next to it. On it was a note reading: Eat something!

Maran smiled and slid the two-storied lunchbox into the big pocket of their cloak. Then they grabbed their keys and left.

Something was rattling in the box as Maran walked to their workplace, the kid figured that Emem had put a fork in either of the stories.

This time they closed and locked the door even faster. "How does he manage to get in all the time? And how did he get into school?", the kid wondered aloud, whilst walking down the pitch black hallway to their office.

They were early 10 minutes and decided to eat before their shift started. In the first part of the lunchbox was a sandwich. Curious they opened the second one and found an old Nokia phone. It wasn't even a flatscreen, just a small key cell phone. They smiled.

There was exactly two contacts, the first one was Emem and the second one was 911. They quickly put the phone in the pocket of their pants, then ate the sandwich.

The knowledge that they now could call for help made them anxious but also very relaxed. Then the clock hit midnight and the phone rang.

But before Maran could hear the slightest bit of the recorded message, someone hung up the phone. They quickly looked over and saw none other than William.

"Good evening, darling", he said, his smile was wicked, and his purple eyes had a cold glow.

Maran took a few moments until they could reply:"Hello."

They looked back at the tablet, but William took it out of their hands and placed it down on the table.

"I've turned off the robots. We got all night", he declared confident, his voice had something sharp and dangerous to it.

The kid held in a whine, as William looked around the room cautiously. His eyes stuck at the lunchbox. "How very nice", he said, a wicked grin parking his lips and revealing perfectly white teeth,"did you bring me something too?"

Maran shook their head. "It's empty", they whispered. They nervously picked at the bandages that were wrapped around their wrist.

The purple guy followed their gaze and laughed. "You lost less blood than I expected", he declared. Then he grabbed them by the wrist, pushing it together painfully and causing the cuts to open up again. He said:"You're lucky you got away."

Maran winced, a breathless scream crossing their lips. They tried to pry his hand off their wrist, but he had a strong grip. Then, William pulled them up and spun them around, whilst also grabbing their other hand. With a 'click' he put something around their wrist, turned them back around and pushed the kid into the chair.

All of that went so fast, that Maran took a few moments to understand what he'd just done. Then, they took a bit of time to understand that they couldn't move their hands anymore and a whole minute to realise why.

Very slowly the distrust on their face shifted to panic. "Where did you get handcuffs?", they stuttered.

William let out a dry laugh. Leaning over the kid, he started talking:"I am asking the questions now. For example", with that he reached into the kids' pocket," Do you think I'm an Idiot?"

Maran tried to push themselves deeper into the chair. With the purple guy looming over them, they felt tiny. But they weren't gonna give him what he wanted, so they stayed quiet.

He snapped the phone in his hand, then said:"I know your little friend packed that for you. And I suggest that you are a bit more cooperative, if you don't want me to pay her a visit later."

"Leave her alone", Maran screamed. The man smiled.

"Well then, don't tell her about me anymore. She already knows too much", he said.

Maran nooded and said:"I won't, I promise just leave her alone."

William laughed and reached into the pocket of his pants. "Well then, let's make you remember that."

At exactly 4 am, William left again. Maran had a blue eye and many cuts all over their body. Some were deeper than others and they were everywhere, from their face down to their feet. Some were particularly deep. They also had bruises all over and their eyes were red, their throat was dry from crying and screaming.

They hadn't even been handcuffed for thirty minutes, but every time they tried to fight back, they'd just make it worse.

When William left, he promised to turn on the animatronics again. Maran could hardly concentrate, but they had still all of the power that normally needed to last for six hours. Now it was just two and so the kid decided to close both doors.

That worked fine for one and a half hour, in which Maran aided the worst wounds and tried to calm down. But then they didn't dare to leave the doors closed anymore, because they weren't sure the power that was left would last for the last thirty minutes.

So they opened the doors and took on their job as they normally did before the purple guy showed up. The power lasted fine.

As the kid stumbled to open the doors for Christen and whoever else had breakfast shift today, they were struck with another wave of surprise and shock. Infront of the door didn't only stand Christen and the other guy from yesterday, Ivey, but also Emem, Cecile and Castim.

Four out of the five people looked at the kid in shock and terror. Except for Castim, he was as angry as always. But before he could say anything, Christen and Ivey went inside and pushed close the door.

Christen picked Maran up and carried them to the space in front of the stage, which had carpeted floor, whilst Ivey explained to a furious Castim why he couldn't enter the building outside of opening hours.

Ignoring the shouts in the background, Christen put Maran down and said:"I think it's time you explain what's been going on."

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