Q7: What's the rudest thing a cashier has ever said to you?

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By: Quora User (Unknown)

I was around 9 and just allowed to spend my allowance on a toy I had seen in Toys R Us months prior. I had saved up and scrubbed every inch of the house about 10 times.

The toy I wanted was a barbie doll that could "swim" so I would enjoy baths more.

My parents were proud I would work hard for something I wanted and praised me continuously as I searched the shelves.

I found the doll and took it to the cashier. She was about 18 and obviously having a bad day.

I smiled up at her and held up the box. She took it, muttering.

"That will come to $20, ma'am"

"Thanks! I hope you have a nice day, lady!"

When I got home and opened up the box, I was devastated to find the doll was broken.

The next day, we went back to get a new doll.

I went up to the same cashier and told her the situation.

She got all up in my face, standing over me and grumbled:

"Learn to live with imperfections, bitch. You don't see me crying over my shitty job, you don't see me running to mommy when my cash register won't open, so I suggest you get on with it and live with it instead of being a whiny, moaning daddy's girl"

I began to bawl my eyes out and ran to my mother. Eventually, I got my doll and she got the sack.

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