Q40: What wasn't worth the wait?

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By: Ethan James

The Post-Credits Scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming

Oh boy do I have a story for you guys.

Last year, I went on a date with a girl. We went to see a movie. I remember it was around July, the middle of winter here in Australia. The movie was Spider-Man Homecoming, and I remember my date mostly just wanted to see Tom Holland. I was more interested in seeing where Spider-Man was after Civil War.

So, we went into the theatre and watched the movie.

'Twas one helluva movie.

I was enthralled the entire time, and I think that was a problem for her.

This girl literally texted me during the movie saying

"So are you gonna make a move or what?"

And I pulled out my phone and was like

"But Spider-Man..."

Anyways, she was sticking out the movie (as if it was a chore) while I was loving every second of it. Then the credits rolled and she was instantly like

"Let's go!"

I guess this girl had never seen a Marvel movie before. She didn't seem the type. I tried to explain to her the concept of post-credits scenes, but explained she was under no obligation to stick around. She obliged and stuck around.

The first post-credits scene with Vulture and the guy who played Vaas in FarCry 3 happened, and she was instantly like

"Okay, now let's go!"

And I didn't know how to explain to her that there were two post-credits scenes. I tried though, to no avail. She said

"It's pretty clear where your priorities lie. Bye Ethan."

And then she flipped me off and stormed out the theatre. Pity. She was kinda cute.

Anyways, a couple more minutes of credits, and I was starting to feel bad for pissing the girl off. Would I have reacted the same if she'd taken me to see some chick flick?

Anyways, I spent the last few minutes of credits pondering whether I was an asshole or she was being irrational. And I decided it was somewhere in the middle and that I shouldn't have left her to wait for the credits scene.

Then the scene came on, and it was basically one giant slap in the face to me.

This scene was the literal definition of something that wasn't worth the wait

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This scene was the literal definition of something that wasn't worth the wait. It wasn't worth the wait, it knew it, and it slapped me in the face for waiting.

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