Q37: Is Dr. Phil a fraud?

36 3 1

By: Bev Anne

Is Dr. Phil a fraud? (Dr?)

He is so much worse than that. He's dangerous. Read on and see if you might agree.

This man believes in keeping toxic people in one's life, especially if they are 'family', no matter how harmful. He believes that everyone (including pedos evidently) can benefit from therapy and that therapy can fix everything.

That is asinine, short sighted, and dangerous.

On one of his shows a couple of weeks ago, there were two daughters who, when young, had been repeatedly raped by their own father, for years. The father was also on this same program with them. The obviously severely disordered father (a pedo who never should have had children btw), still to this day, believes that his daughters were not only willing participants who consented to the sex, but he also places blame on them for seducing him (!). (The daughters ranged in age from 6 years old until their early teens during the abuse).

So, enter 'Dr' Phil (Doctor my ass). They all three come on his show. 'Phil' thinks he can and should bring this family back together! I shit you not. The father, who has been released from prison, now wants a 'relationship' with his daughters. He wants them to let go of the past and move on. Of course, the daughters do not want this. They are smart enough to know that their father is toxic and will only emotionally harm them further. The father is still and always will be a raging pedophile who is one of the sickest that I have ever seen. The father is completely delusional and unapologetic.

This so called family is a prime, perhaps the 'primest', example of a toxic family unit who should never be in each others' lives again. For blatantly obvious reasons. 'Phil' the 'doctor' figures that they should be together, simply because they are blood related. He then proceeds to sign them all up for therapy. I almost lost my lunch.

That was it for me. I am repelled by him. I barely watch him at all any more due to all of the personality disordered people that appear on his show, whom he is positive, that with therapy, can and should be allowed to remain in other peoples' lives that they have already destroyed. Insanity. Complete insanity. ('Phil' even advocates for disordered parents to remain in a child's life in those awful messy divorces that disordered high conflict people create. Personality disordered parents are NEVER good parents).

What kind of (people) producers would let this show with the daughters and pedophile father, air? Who thought, in a hundred billion years, that this show was a good idea?? Why did the network even carry it? Someone/s should get a pink slip. Perhaps even the big bald guy, himself.

That is never acceptable. No way. No how.

Edit from Jeff:

<Just a personal note, maybe the reason for this disgusting nonsense television program is because the way society has been programmed. People can not get enough drama and love to compare their lives to the lives of others. This is the most disgusting thing i have heard or read in a while and would never turn that show on to help promote his fake PHD poser. Unfortunately, if you were to pull the stats for this episode, i bet it had MILLIONS of people tuning in. If not one of the highest ratings of all his shows. This goes to show you how sick our society is. Especially when its so popular that you can almost guarantee there will be similar episodes if not a sequel to this shameful display of misfortune. Well written and i agree 100% with everything you noted. Keep up the great work!>








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