Chapter 11. Why can't we be friends?

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Hey guys here you have chapter 11! Sorry again it's taking us a while from chapter to chapter to upload the next, but school keeps us busy (dammit!) but we know how the fanfic is going to end, so no worries, it'll have an end, we weon't leave the story in the middle! :) Hope you ejoyed last chapter and hope you'll like this one :)

Thanks again for all the reads, votes and comments, means a lot to us! :)

PS The sequel of'Too Good To Be True' is up now (FINALLY!). It's called 'Over Again', so please check it out guys! Thanks again :)

Much lovexxxxx



'I called ya, I called ya, I called ya

but you did not look around.

Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?

Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends?'

“Maddie, is there something wrong?”

“Haven’t you seen that? He kissed Katy Perry!”

“C’mon it was just a quick peck between friends.”

“You are my friend and I don’t give you quick pecks, Nate.”

“It’s not the same, we’re not famous, and we’re not at some MTV awards show.”

“That has nothing to do with that!”

“Maddie, relax please” Leigh said.

“I’m leaving, I don’t want to see this any longer.”

“Are you mad at him?”


“Are you jealous?”


“What’s wrong then?”

“Nothing. I’m off to bed, I’m tired.”

“Alright then, see you tomorrow.”

I got up from the couch, looked at the telly once again and went to my bedroom. I lied on my bed and soon fell asleep. The next morning I got up late, since it was my day off at the shop; it was nearly midday. I went to the kitchen, where Leigh was, and prepared myself a sandwich. I took a chair and started eating.

“Where’s Nate?” I asked.

“He’s working.”


“Niall called yesterday.”

“Niall? When?”

“Yes, he wants you to call him on his phone or over Skype.”

“I’m not calling him.”

“But Maddie, what’s wrong with you? It was just a quick friendly peck!”

“And? It’s not only about the kiss, it’s everything!”


“He’s just playing with me, and I’m not going tol et him do so.”

“You need to resolve this”

“What do you mean?”

“The tensión between you guys. One day you hate each other, the next you’re friends, and now you get mad and try to hate him again.”

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