Chapter 7. Playa boi (Don't you mess with me).

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Hey guys! Here you have chapter 7! Hope you enjoyed last one, thanks for all the reads! :) Sorry it's a little bit boring but we need a chapter like this so we can go on with the story and understand it better. Keep on reading guys! :)

PS don't forget to check out 'Too Good To Be True', remember it's only one chapter away from the end! (no worries, sequel coming!)

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


'And give me love, not bad romance

I'll make a move, nothing left to chance,

so don't you mess with me.'

I got up from the sofa and took my phone. No, he hadn’t called. It’d been two weeks since I gave him my number and he hadn’t called me yet. I went to the kitchen and cooked something. I heard Nate and Leigh coming home; they were laughing. They came in the kitchen and greeted me.

"Maddie, didn’t Niall call you?" Leigh asked me. 

"Niall? What for?"

"You told me you’d given him your number."

"No, he didn’t call, and I don’t think he will. Not that I care, anyway."

"Yeah, sure."

I shrugged my shoulders and heard my phone beeping. Leigh looked at me raising her eyebrow and went running to take it, so I followed her.

"Leigh! Don’t you pick it up!"

"Too late!"

I saw her picking it up and she started talking.

"No, it’s Leigh, but she’s right here… She was just waiting for you to call her, she can’t stop talking about you… Sure Niall, here she is."

She gave me my phone back and left the room running as she laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed too. Niall started talking.

"I can see you’ve missed me, haven’t you?" he said.

"Not at all. I didn’t even remember that I had given you my number."

"That’s not what Leigh told me."

"Leigh is crazy."

He laughed.

"So, I couldn’t call you before, we’ve been recording the album and stuff."

"I know, don’t worry."

"I was wondering if you’d like to go for a walk with me today."

"Are you free?"

"It’s our last day of filming the video for the new song, but I’ll be free from 8.30."


"So, you up for it?"

 "Yes, I guess."

"Is 9 okay? At Hyde Park?"


"See you there then. Bye."

"See you."

I hung up and turned around smiling. Leigh was sitting on the couch staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What did he want?"

"I’m meeting him at 9."

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